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The #1 Online Test Prep & Exam Practice Tests Resource

Exam Edge is an industry leader in online test prep. We take great pride in our tests and their ability to help you pass your certification exam. Our unique practice test environment is the closest thing you will find to the actual test, with one exception: We tell you when you're right and when you're wrong, and most importantly, we explain why!

Our tests provide step-by-step explanations in an easy-to-understand format, allowing you to study efficiently and be better prepared for your exam.

Pass Your Exam, Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible,
Even If You Suffer From Test Anxiety

Practice Exams by Industry

Our online practice tests simulate the actual exam experience. Practice questions cover the same competencies, content, and skills you'll need to earn a passing score on the your exam. We want you to walk out of the testing center feeling confident and knowing your time with Exam Edge was a success!

See why our users from 154 countries love us

Exam Edge is an industry leader in online test prep. We work with institutional partners to offer a wide array of practice tests that will help you prepare for your big exam. No matter how niche your field of interest might be, we're here to help you prepare for test day.

   Excellent -- Based on 511 reviews




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Unique Tests


Years In Business

Walk out of the testing center feeling confident

and knowing your time with us was a success!


passing guarantee

100% Passing

We take great pride in our practice tests and their ability to help you pass your certification exam.

*This is not a money back or financial guarantee

24 Hour Access

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Exams 24/7

Your practice exams are available anytime, anywhere, on any device. So you can study when it is convenient for you.

Unlimited Access

Unlimited Test

Unlimited access to your test reviews, no time limits & recurring charges. Everything you need to pass your exam for one low cost.

Cost Effective


Our 5-test bundle of practice exams costs less than the cost of taking the actual certification exam.

Practice Make Perfect


Our unique practice test Environment is the closest thing you'll find to the actual test, with one exception: we tell you when you're right & when you're wrong & most importantly we explain why! Our tests provide you with step-by-step explanations in an easy to understand format. more


Certifications -
The Big Picture7

Certification exams don't just measure what you know - they also test how well you perform under pressure. The right test preparation helps you familiarize yourself not only with the material you're being tested on but also the test format. more



When you complete a practice exam, you'll receive a certificate of completion, which you can share with your friends, relatives, co-workers, and potential employers. Certificates of completion help demonstrate your accomplishments for everyone to see. more

*The Completion Certificate is not an officially recognized document by any of the testing agencies

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Fully BBB

We are fully accredited with the Better Business Bureau and have many satisfied customers who have successfully passed their certification exam with the help of our test preparation materials.

Industries Served by Exam Edge

industry image

Whether you have dreams of becoming a doctor, a teacher, or a childcare worker, there's an Exam Edge practice test to help you get certified! Here are just a few of the industries we serve:life.

Professionals aspiring to work in project management, payroll, or human resources can take the next step in their careers by earning certification from testing agencies such as the American Payroll Association (APA), Project Management Institute (PMI), and the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM).

Healthcare workers are held to high professional standards.

Aspiring nurses, medical assistants, pharmacy technicians, and more can take their careers to new heights by earning certification from organizations such as the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) and the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT).

Before teachers can take their place at the front of the classroom, they must take and pass qualifying exams. Certification exams like Praxis, TExES, and FTCE can help new and experienced educators earn their teaching licenses.

Exam Edge is committed to helping students and professionals from all corners of the Earth. Our World hub is home to practice exams for over a dozen international certifications. Whether you're gearing up to join the American armed forces, the Canadian healthcare field, or a graduate program in India, practice tests for the DHA, and CSMLS, can help prepare you for the next chapter in your life.

Students with practice tests

Options Available For Taking Practice Tests

Students Studying

With Exam Edge online practice tests, youll find an almost exact replica of the actual testing experience, with one important exception: we give you valuable feedback on why you got questions right or wrong.

Our practice exams feature easy-to-understand explanations for each answer. This allows you to take extensive notes and build a customized study guide tailored to your precise study needs.

We know everybody studies a little differently, so we offer three different options for taking online practice tests:

Timed tests are just like the actual certification exam. They help you feel the pressure of completing the exam in a strict timeframe. The system defaults the test time to the same time limit per question as the actual exam. This is a great method of practicing your timing, especially if you're concerned about having enough time to complete the test.

With this option, you can sit back, take your time and really think about the question before answering. This rush-free option is recommended for those just dipping their toes into studying. It's a great way to test your knowledge and highlight blind spots you'll need to come back to in your studies - one of the many advantages of taking International practice exams!

Not sure where to even begin with your studying? Try a practice test in explanation mode. The questions act as a study guide, giving you the option to see the answers as you take the test. Study guide mode is an effective way to review the test subject matter before you take the exam in a timed format. Taking notes on explanation mode is truly the best method of beginning test prep.

standardized tests image

Standardized Tests Gauge What You Know

They also test your ability to perform under pressure.

While it's easy to psych yourself out about the entire test taking process, confidence is often half the battle.

By practicing the same set of skills you'll use on the day of the real exam, you're sure to rise to the occasion.

The #1 Online Test Prep & Exam Practice Tests Resource

Don't take our word for it, though- look to our testimonials page for reviews from satisfied Exam Edge users!

Our customers top four comments:

  • Access to a large selection of practice tests: Exam Edge offers practice tests for a wide variety of certification exams, allowing you to find the study materials that best align with your exam and study goals.
  • High-quality questions: Exam Edge's practice tests are designed to closely mimic the format, style, and difficulty level of the actual certification exams. This can help you become familiar with the types of questions you may encounter on the exam and improve your test-taking skills.
  • Detailed explanations: Exam Edge provides detailed explanations for each question, including why the correct answer is correct and why the other options are incorrect. This can help you understand the material more fully and improve your overall understanding of the subject matter.
  • Affordable and cost-effective: Exam Edge is a cost-effective way to prepare for certification exams, providing access to high-quality study materials at a fraction of the cost of traditional test-preparation courses.

Exam Edge Blog Topics

Exam Edge's All New Refer-A-Friend Program


Introducing our new and improved Refer-A-Friend program! Get ready for an incredible upgrade that brings you higher commissions and exciting benefits. We've revamped our program to give you something truly extraordinary. Brace yourself for the ultimate referral experience!

For the first time ever, we're thrilled to announce that you'll now earn a commission for every single purchase your referrals make. Yes, you read that right! No more one-time rewards. Imagine your referrals becoming your anonymous best friends because you'll receive credit every time they make a purchase. Whether it's tomorrow, next month, or even a decade from now, you'll be credited with the sale and earn a commission ranging from a generous 15% to an amazing 20%!

But wait, it gets even sweeter! We've added an exclusive treat for your friends too. When they make any purchase, they will automatically receive a fantastic 10% discount. It's a true win-win situation for everyone involved. Your friends save money, you earn a commission, and together, we create a community of happy customers.

So, what are you waiting for? Spread the word, share the love, and watch the benefits roll in. Join our new and revised Refer-A-Friend program today and start unlocking the incredible rewards that await you. Hurry, don't miss out on this opportunity to earn, share, and enjoy the perks!

Getting started is easy! Our users are automatically enrolled in the program. All you have to do is set up your payment method and then start sharing your referral link.

Click Here to See Program Details