Exam Edge is an industry leader in online test prep. We take great pride in our tests and their ability to help you pass your certification exam. Our unique practice test environment is the closest thing you will find to the actual test, with one exception: We tell you when you're right and when you're wrong, and most importantly, we explain why!
Our tests offer clear, step-by-step explanations designed to help you study efficiently and thoroughly prepare for your exam. They mirror the actual test by covering essential competencies and incorporating the knowledge and skills needed for success. Our goal is for you to leave the real exam feeling confident and assured that your preparation with ExamEdge.com paid off!
Whether you have dreams of becoming a doctor, a teacher, or a childcare worker, there's an Exam Edge practice test to help you get certified! Here are just a few of the industries we serve:
Business - Professionals aspiring to work in project management, payroll, or human resources can take the next step in their careers by earning certification from testing agencies such as the American Payroll Association (APA), Project Management Institute (PMI), and the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM).
Healthcare - Healthcare workers are held to high professional standards. Aspiring nurses, medical assistants, pharmacy technicians, and more can take their careers to new heights by earning certification from organizations such as the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) and the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT).
Education - Before teachers can take their place at the front of the classroom, they must take and pass qualifying exams. Certification exams like Praxis, TExES, and FTCE can help new and experienced educators earn their teaching licenses.
World - Exam Edge is committed to helping students and professionals from all corners of the Earth. Our World hub is home to practice exams for over a dozen international certifications. Whether you're gearing up to join the American armed forces, the Canadian healthcare field, or a graduate program in India, practice tests for the DHA, CSMLS, and IIM CAT can help prepare you for the next chapter in your life.
With Exam Edge online practice tests, you'll find an almost exact replica of the actual testing experience, with one important exception: we give you valuable feedback on why you got questions right or wrong. Our practice exams feature easy-to-understand explanations for each answer. This allows you to take extensive notes and build a customized study guide tailored to your precise study needs.
We know everybody studies a little differently, so we offer three different options for taking online practice tests:
Timed - If you're concerned about using your time wisely on exam day, you'll want to take a timed practice test. They turn on the same pressure you'll feel when you have to complete an exam during a strict time frame. This method defaults the test timing to the same time limit per question as you'd have on the day of the actual exam. This is a great way to practice your pacing, particularly if you're worried about not having enough time to finish the test. Exam Edge exam prep can be as laid-back or as disciplined as you prefer!
No Time Limit - This option allows you the freedom to take your time and really ponder each question before responding. Rush-free online exam prep is a good idea for anyone just starting to prepare for an exam. It's the ideal way to test your existing knowledge while illuminating blind spots you may need to revisit in your studies.
Study Guide Mode - Unsure of how to kickstart your studies? A practice test in explanation mode can do wonders for your confidence. The questions serve as a study guide, giving you the freedom to see the answers as you take the practice test. Study guide mode is a great way to review the test's content before you take it in a more controlled format. Take notes as you go – it's one of the best study methods for those just beginning to prepare.
Standardized tests gauge what you know. They also test your ability to perform under pressure. While it's easy to psych yourself out about the entire test-taking process, confidence is often half the battle. By practicing the same set of skills you'll use on the day of the real exam, you're sure to rise to the occasion.
Examedge.com has everything you need to prepare. Don't take our word for it, though – look to our testimonials page for reviews from satisfied Exam Edge users!
With Exam Edge online practice tests, you'll find an almost exact replica of the actual testing experience, with one important exception: we give you valuable feedback on why you got questions right or wrong. Our practice exams feature easy-to-understand explanations for each answer. This allows you to take extensive notes and build a customized study guide tailored to your precise study needs.
We know everybody studies a little differently, so we offer three different options for taking online practice tests:
Timed - If you're concerned about using your time wisely on exam day, you'll want to take a timed practice test. They turn on the same pressure you'll feel when you have to complete an exam during a strict time frame. This method defaults the test timing to the same time limit per question as you'd have on the day of the actual exam. This is a great way to practice your pacing, particularly if you're worried about not having enough time to finish the test. Exam Edge exam prep can be as laid-back or as disciplined as you prefer!
No Time Limit - This option allows you the freedom to take your time and really ponder each question before responding. Rush-free online exam prep is a good idea for anyone just starting to prepare for an exam. It's the ideal way to test your existing knowledge while illuminating blind spots you may need to revisit in your studies.
Study Guide Mode - Unsure of how to kickstart your studies? A practice test in explanation mode can do wonders for your confidence. The questions serve as a study guide, giving you the freedom to see the answers as you take the practice test. Study guide mode is a great way to review the test's content before you take it in a more controlled format. Take notes as you go - it's one of the best study methods for those just beginning to prepare.
Standardized tests gauge what you know. They also test your ability to perform under pressure. While it's easy to psych yourself out about the entire test-taking process, confidence is often half the battle. By practicing the same set of skills you'll use on the day of the real exam, you're sure to rise to the occasion.
Examedge.com has everything you need to prepare. Don't take our word for it, though - look to our testimonials page for reviews from satisfied Exam Edge users!
Exam Edge is an Industry Leader in Online Test Prep. We work with our Institutional Partners to offer a wide array of practice tests that will help you prepare for your big exam. No Matter how niche field of interest might be, were here to help you prepare for your test day.
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