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CAHSEE Practice Tests & Test Prep by Exam Edge

At we take great pride in our practice tests and their ability to help you pass your California High School Exit Examination certification exam. We are confident in our ability to help you pass your CAHSEE exam and look forward to helping you achieve your goals.

We offer 3 CAHSEE subjects with 30 different exams utilizing 3,600 unique questions specifically designed to help you pass your CAHSEE certification exam. Our practice tests simulate the actual testing experiences by covering the required competencies and incorporating content and the application of skills necessary for you to be ready for opportunities requiring certification by the CAHSEE.

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Who is California High School Exit Examination ?

The CAHSEE, or the California High School Exit Examination, was a standardized test that was taken by high school students in California. It was created by the California Department of Education to improve the academic performance of high school students, and especially of high school graduates, in accordance with the No Child Left Behind Act.

However, as of 2015, the CAHSEE has been suspended and students are no longer required to pass the CAHSEE to receive a high school diploma.

When it was active, the exam was administered in high schools throughout California by the Educational Testing Service. It was divided into two sections: English-language arts (ELA) and mathematics. The ELA section tested students on standards through grade ten, and the Mathematics section tested students on standards through Algebra I.

Although the CAHSEE is no longer administered, there are still many other standardized tests that students may take to demonstrate their academic abilities, such as the SAT or ACT.

Please note that the specific format for these exams can vary, so it's important for students to familiarize themselves with the format and content areas of the specific exam they will be taking. It's also recommended that students take practice exams to prepare.