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ANCC Medical-Surgical Nursing (RN) Practice Tests & Test Prep by Exam Edge

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ANCC RN Practice Test Features

Everything you need to pass your certification exam!

Passing your ANCC Medical-Surgical Nursing can be a very stressful time in your life. So why take chances with your preparation? Let us help you through the certification process.

  • Instant access to your online practice tests
  • Unlimited test access - available 24/7
  • Timed, untimed, and study guide modes
  • Detailed explanations for each question
  • 25 online practice exams with 100 unique questions per exam
  • 2,500 unique questions, if you purchase all 25 exams

Start your exam prep today with a ANCC Medical-Surgical Nursing practice test!

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Olivia R., Washington

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ANCC Medical-Surgical Nursing Sample Test

1 of 5

Who shares responsibility for checking sterilization monitors?

Correct Answer:
circulating nurse.

in a medical setting, particularly in surgical environments, ensuring the sterility of equipment and instruments is crucial for patient safety and successful outcomes. sterilization monitors are tools used to verify the effectiveness of the sterilization process. the responsibility for checking these monitors is shared among several key members of the surgical team, each playing a vital role in maintaining the sterility assurance level.

the circulating nurse, often the coordinator within the operating room, has a critical role in overseeing the overall environment and ensuring that all practices meet the required sterile standards. this includes monitoring the sterilization processes before and during surgeries. the circulating nurse ensures that the sterilization indicators have been checked and that all equipment and instruments are safe for use.

alongside the circulating nurse, the scrub person is also integral in managing the sterility of the environment and the instruments. typically stationed at the sterile field, the scrub person handles the instruments during the procedure and is responsible for monitoring any changes that might compromise sterility. they work in close coordination with the circulating nurse to ensure that all instruments being used have passed through the proper sterilization checks.

additionally, the individual operating the sterilizer plays a crucial part. this role might be filled by a sterile processing department technician who is specifically trained in the operation of sterilization equipment and the implementation of sterilization protocols. they are responsible for handling the instruments post-surgery, ensuring they are appropriately cleaned, sterilized, and ready for subsequent use. their role is critical in the initial and final checks of the sterilization monitors.

the shared responsibility among the circulating nurse, scrub person, and sterilizer ensures multiple checkpoints and minimizes the risk of error in the sterilization process. this collaborative approach to checking sterilization monitors promotes a high standard of patient care and safety in surgical settings. each member of the team is vital in maintaining the integrity of the sterile field, ultimately protecting patients from potential infections and complications related to non-sterile surgical instruments and environments.

ANCC Medical-Surgical Nursing (RN) Shortcuts

Top 10 Reasons for using Exam Edge to pass your ANCC Medical-Surgical Nursing exam

  • Exam Edge's ANCC Medical-Surgical Nursing was created to focus solely on the ANCC Medical-Surgical Nursing exam. All practice exam questions parallel the topics covered on the real exam, are in the right proportion,

  • Our practice exams are designed to make you familiar with the real exam. Our exams simulate the pressure of the real exam, by setting the per question time limit to be the same as the real exam. So when you take the actual exam, you will feel comfortable with the requirements of the real exam.

  • We offer 25 online practice exams with 2,500 unique questions to help you prepare for your ANCC Medical-Surgical Nursing exam.

  • The low cost! The cost of ordering 5 practice tests is less than the cost of taking the real ANCC Medical-Surgical Nursing exam. In other words, it would cost you less money to order 5 practice tests, than if you failed the real exam and had to retake it. Now that is a bargain!

  • If you have to stop while taking one of our exams, you can continue right where you left off. When you continue the exam, you will start exactly where you were, and with the same amount of time you had remaining.

  • After you complete a exam, we provide your raw score (how many you answered correctly) and our estimate of the ANCC score you would receive if you were taking the real exam.

  • As you complete your practice exams, we show you which questions you answered correctly, which ones you answered incorrectly, and provide detailed step-by-step explanations for every single question on the exam!

  • BBBAs a fully accredited member of the Better Business Bureau, we uphold the highest level of business standards. You can rest assured that we maintain all of the BBB Standards for Trust

  • Because the exams are web-based, there is no software to install. Our practice exams are available to you 24-hours a day. No matter where you are, you can take our practice exams on any computer with access to the internet.

  • If you need additional help, we offer specialized tutoring. Our tutors are highly qualified.

Pass Your ANCC Medical-Surgical Nursing Certification Exam with Exam Edge

Are you nervous about your upcoming ANCC Medical-Surgical Nursing certification exam? Look no further, Exam Edge is here to help you achieve your goal! Our world-class online practice certification tests are designed to provide you with the knowledge and confidence you need to pass your ANCC Medical-Surgical Nursing exam on your first try!

Key Facts on Exam Edge's online practice tests for your ANCC Medical-Surgical Nursing Exam.

  • 25 Online Practice Exams: With Exam Edge, you'll have access to 25 practice tests, each with 100 questions, to help you thoroughly prepare for your ANCC Medical-Surgical Nursing (RN) exam.
  • Instant Access: Get started immediately with instant access to your online practice exams. No waiting or software installation is required!
  • Detailed Explanations: Each question is accompanied by a detailed explanation, so you'll fully understand the reasoning behind the correct answer and improve your knowledge.
  • Take Each Exam 4 Times: You can take our practice exams up to 4 times, giving you plenty of opportunities to review and master the material.
  • Web-Based: Our ANCC practice tests are available 24/7 at your convenience, and because they are web-based, there is no software to install.
  • Psychological Advantage: Exam Edge practice tests will allow you to walk into your test day with confidence

Exam Edge practice tests are a valuable tool for helping you prepare for the American Nurses Credentialing Center (RN) certification exam. The practice tests provide a realistic simulation of the actual exam, allowing you to become familiar with the format, style, and types of questions you will encounter on the actual test. Certification exams don't just measure what you know -- they are also a test of how well you perform under pressure. The right type of test preparation helps you familiarize yourself not only with the material you're being tested on, but also the format of the test, so you feel less anxiety on test day.

ANCC Medical-Surgical Nursing Aliases Test Name

Here is a list of alternative names used for this exam.

  • ANCC Medical-Surgical Nursing
  • ANCC Medical-Surgical Nursing test
  • ANCC Medical-Surgical Nursing Certification Test
  • ANCC
  • RN test
  • ANCC Medical-Surgical Nursing (RN)
  • Medical-Surgical Nursing certification
  • ANA Medical-Surgical Nursing
  • ANA Medical-Surgical Nursing certification
  • ANA RN