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AFAA CPT (AFAA-CPT) Practice Tests & Test Prep by Exam Edge - Free Test

Our free AFAA Certified Personal Fitness Trainer (AFAA-CPT) Practice Test was created by experienced educators who designed them to align with the official Aerobics and Fitness Association of America content guidelines. They were built to accurately mirror the real exam's structure, coverage of topics, difficulty, and types of questions.

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AFAA Certified Personal Fitness Trainer - Free Test Sample Questions

Lifting and lowering the weights with complete control in a slow manner are critical.  For example, when performing shoulder exercises, the eccentric phase, the muscles are _________________________during resistance.

Correct Answer:
the correct answer to the question is "lengthening." during the eccentric phase of an exercise, such as when lowering weights during a shoulder exercise, the muscles involved are lengthening under tension. this phase occurs when the muscle elongates while still generating force, often as it returns from a contracted (shortened) state to a resting (lengthened) state.

understanding the eccentric phase is crucial for effective strength training. unlike the concentric phase—where muscles shorten as they contract, such as lifting a weight—during the eccentric phase, the muscle fibers lengthen while they are under load. this muscle action is often associated with greater muscle fiber damage and, consequently, significant strength gains as the fibers repair and adapt. it's also linked to increased metabolic rate and improvements in muscular endurance and flexibility.

proper control during the eccentric phase not only maximizes the training benefits but also helps to prevent injuries. the muscles in the shoulder, including the rotator cuff, are particularly vulnerable to injury during resistance training due to the complex and highly mobile nature of the shoulder joint. when weights are lowered too quickly or without control, there's a high risk of straining or tearing muscle fibers, which can lead to prolonged discomfort and time away from training.

therefore, emphasizing controlled, slow movements during the lowering of weights—ensuring the muscles lengthen under controlled tension—reduces the risk of injury and enhances the effectiveness of the exercise. this approach leads to better muscle growth and strength development, as well as improved joint stability and overall durability in the shoulder area.