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ISSA PFT (ISSA-PFT) Practice Tests & Test Prep by Exam Edge - Free Test

Our free ISSA Personal Fitness Trainer (ISSA-PFT) Practice Test was created by experienced educators who designed them to align with the official International Sports Sciences Association content guidelines. They were built to accurately mirror the real exam's structure, coverage of topics, difficulty, and types of questions.

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ISSA Personal Fitness Trainer - Free Test Sample Questions

In the modified-knee position for performing push-ups, the hands are____________________________

Correct Answer:
shoulder-width apart with back straight
in the modified-knee position for performing push-ups, the correct setup of the body is crucial for ensuring effectiveness and safety during the exercise. this position is often used by those who are building their strength or are unable to perform a full push-up.

in this configuration, the hands should be placed shoulder-width apart. this spacing is important as it allows for proper weight distribution and balance, as well as alignment of the shoulders, elbows, and wrists. placing the hands too wide or too narrow can strain these areas and reduce the effectiveness of the exercise.

the back should be kept straight throughout the exercise. a straight back helps in maintaining a neutral spine position, which is essential to avoid back injuries and to engage the correct muscles during the push-up. arching the back or letting it sag can lead to lower back strain or discomfort, thus negating the benefits of the exercise.

the lower legs should be together while performing the push-up in the modified-knee position. this arrangement helps in stabilizing the lower body and provides a solid base from which to perform the exercise. the ankles should be flexed, with the tops of the feet in contact with the mat. this not only helps in maintaining balance but also ensures that the legs are properly aligned with the rest of the body.

additionally, the head should be lifted, aligning it with the spine. it is important to look slightly ahead rather than looking straight down or up, as this helps maintain a neutral neck position and reduces strain.

therefore, in the modified-knee push-up position, the hands are shoulder-width apart with the back kept straight, the lower legs together and in contact with the mat, ankles flexed, and the head lifted and aligned with the spine. this setup ensures that the exercise is performed correctly and efficiently, maximizing the benefits while minimizing the risk of injury.