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PSAE Reading Grade 11 Practice Tests & Test Prep by Exam Edge

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PSAE Reading Grade 11 Sample Test

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"Using your imagination as a gateway or portal, inspiration can also flow and bring forth great acts of creativity. Your imagination and inspiration are like twin bridges to your intuition. When you visualize a place within your mind, your imagination creates an ideal internal environment from which you can connect to and communicate with your intuitive self. In such a state, you can receive powerful and important insights from both your subconscious mind and your Higher Self." Which of the following best describes the sentence, “Your imagination and inspiration are like twin bridges to your intuition.”

Correct Answer:
a simile
the sentence, “your imagination and inspiration are like twin bridges to your intuition,” serves as a simile. this is because it uses the word "like" to compare the abstract qualities of imagination and inspiration to bridges, implying that they function as connectors or pathways leading to one's intuition. in literature, a simile is a figure of speech that draws a comparison between two different things explicitly using the words "like" or "as." this device is commonly used to make descriptions more vivid and to help readers or listeners create a visual or conceptual image in their minds. in this context, the simile emphasizes how imagination and inspiration are essential tools that facilitate a deeper connection with the intuitive part of oneself. by likening these qualities to "twin bridges," the phrase also suggests that imagination and inspiration are closely linked and equally necessary for accessing intuition. the use of "twin" underscores their similarity and complementary nature. this figurative language enriches the text by adding a layer of meaning that encourages the reader to think about the abstract processes of creativity and intuition in a more tangible, relatable way. it paints a picture of a mental journey where imagination and inspiration are the crucial structures that one must traverse to reach the insights provided by intuition. this makes the concept more accessible and memorable to the audience.

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