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STS Practice Tests & Test Prep by Exam Edge

At we take great pride in our practice tests and their ability to help you pass your High School Placement Test certification exam. We are confident in our ability to help you pass your STS exam and look forward to helping you achieve your goals.

We offer 20 different exams utilizing 2,000 unique questions specifically designed to help you pass your STS certification exam. Our practice tests simulate the actual testing experiences by covering the required competencies and incorporating content and the application of skills necessary for you to be ready for opportunities requiring certification by the STS.

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HSPT - High School Placement Test

Who is High School Placement Test ?

The High School Placement Test (HSPT) is an entrance exam used by many Catholic high schools to assess incoming students. Here's an overview of the HSPT:

1. Eligibility and Application:

  • Grade Level: The HSPT is generally taken by 8th-grade students who are applying to a Catholic high school for 9th grade.
  • Application: Typically, once a student applies or expresses interest in attending a particular Catholic high school, the school will provide information about taking the HSPT as part of the admissions process.

2. Scheduling the Exam:

  • Test Dates: Most schools administer the HSPT in January, but some might offer additional test dates in the spring or fall.
  • Registration: Registration processes vary by school. Some schools might have you register directly with them, while others might use an online registration system through Scholastic Testing Service, Inc., the company that produces the HSPT.

3. Taking the Exam:

  • Test Duration: The HSPT is approximately 2.5 hours long.
  • Sections: The test covers five main areas: Verbal Skills, Quantitative Skills, Reading, Mathematics, and Language. Some schools may also choose to administer optional sections, such as Science, Mechanical Aptitude, or Catholic Religion.
  • Question Format: The test consists of multiple-choice questions.
  • Scoring: Each section of the HSPT is scored separately, and a composite score is provided that encompasses all sections. Students and schools receive percentile rankings comparing the student's performance to national norms.
  • Preparation: There are various HSPT prep books and online resources available to help students prepare.

4. Location Information for Taking an Exam:

  • Test Locations: The HSPT is typically administered at the Catholic high school to which the student is applying, though some schools might have alternate testing sites.

5. Link to More Information:
For more details about the HSPT, including sample questions and additional information, you can visit the official Scholastic Testing Service, Inc.

Remember, specific details about the HSPT, such as registration procedures and testing dates, might vary by school. It's essential to get information directly from the high school or schools to which the student is applying.