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DHA Cardiac Interventional Radiography (DHA-CI) Practice Exams & Test Prep

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DHA Cardiac Interventional Radiography Sample Test

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With DSA imaging, different levels of magnification occurs by using:

Correct Answer:
different focusing filters

digital subtraction angiography (dsa) is a specialized form of fluoroscopy used in vascular imaging to visualize blood vessels in a bony or dense soft tissue environment. images are produced using x-rays that are subtracted to leave a clear image of the blood vessels. one of the technical aspects of dsa imaging involves managing the level of magnification of the images produced.

magnification in angiographic imaging, such as dsa, can occur both intentionally and unintentionally. intentional magnification is used to enhance the visibility of vascular structures and details that are otherwise too small to be seen clearly. unintentional magnification, on the other hand, can result from various factors like patient positioning or equipment settings.

in dsa imaging, different levels of magnification are primarily accommodated using different focusing filters. these filters are integral components located inside the image intensifier of the angiography system. the image intensifier plays a crucial role in converting the x-rays that pass through the patient into a visible image. the focusing filters within the intensifier adjust the focus of the image, thereby altering the magnification level.

these focusing filters can be adjusted or switched to different settings depending on the requirements of the examination. by changing these filters, the radiologist or technician can control the degree of magnification, thereby enhancing the detail visibility in the vascular images without moving the patient or the imaging equipment. this capability is crucial for achieving high-quality images that can aid in accurate diagnosis and assessment of vascular conditions.

in summary, the use of different focusing filters within the image intensifier is key to managing magnification levels in dsa imaging. this feature allows for flexibility in imaging different parts of the vascular system with the necessary detail, contributing significantly to the effectiveness of angiographic assessments and interventions.

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