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DHA Dialysis Technician (DHA-DiaTech) Practice Exams & Test Prep

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DHA Dialysis Technician Sample Test

1 of 5

Which of the following would be the most correct statement about how the
liver assist the kidneys to convert substances so they can be excreted by
the kidneys?

Correct Answer:
the liver works to convert toxic substances to water-soluble substances that can then be excreted by the kidneys.

the correct statement regarding the role of the liver in aiding the kidneys to excrete substances is that "the liver works to convert toxic substances to water-soluble substances that can then be excreted by the kidneys." this statement accurately captures the crucial function of the liver in detoxification and its cooperative role with the kidneys.

the liver, as a central organ in metabolic processes, plays a pivotal role in detoxifying various substances, including drugs, metabolic wastes, and toxins absorbed from the environment. it achieves this primarily through a series of chemical reactions that transform lipophilic (fat-soluble) substances into hydrophilic (water-soluble) substances. this transformation is crucial because water-soluble substances are easier for the kidneys to filter from the bloodstream and excrete in urine.

the biochemical processes involved typically include oxidation, reduction, and conjugation reactions. enzymes found in liver cells, particularly those in the cytochrome p450 family, catalyze these reactions. for example, in the oxidation process, the liver enzymes add oxygen to the toxic molecules, making them more polar and thus more water-soluble. following oxidation, conjugation reactions further increase water solubility by attaching small polar molecules such as glucuronic acid, sulfate, or glycine to the oxidized substances.

once these transformations occur, the now water-soluble substances are transported via the bloodstream to the kidneys. here, they are filtered out from the blood and excreted in the urine, effectively removing them from the body. this detoxification pathway is essential for the clearance of many endogenous waste products (like bilirubin and urea) and exogenous toxins (such as medications and environmental pollutants).

the other options provided may seem similar but are incorrect or incomplete. the liver does not primarily assist in converting sodium in the body, nor do the other statements fully capture the specific chemical transformation role played by the liver in assisting kidney function. therefore, understanding the liver's conversion of toxic substances to water-soluble forms, which can then be excreted by the kidneys, is crucial for appreciating how these organs work together to maintain homeostasis and process various bodily substances.

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