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DHA Marriage and Family Psychology (DHA-FamilyPsyc) Practice Exams & Test Prep Questions

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DHA Marriage and Family Psychology Sample Test

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What theory notes that the developmental task of forming peer relationships between the ages of 6 - 9 occurs in the Juvenile Stage?

Correct Answer:

the interpersonal theory is a developmental theory that was proposed by harry stack sullivan. this theory is structured around six stages of human development, each of which is associated with specific interpersonal relationships and developmental tasks.

the stages include infancy, childhood, juvenile, preadolescence, early adolescence, and late adolescence. each stage is characterized by the development of certain interpersonal relationships and the acquisition of particular skills. for instance, the infancy stage, which spans from birth to 18 months, is expected to involve oral gratification.

in the context of the question, the juvenile stage, which occurs between the ages of 6 and 9, is characterized by the development of peer relationships. this is a significant stage in a child's social development, as it involves learning to interact with others outside of the family.

during this stage, children typically learn the importance of friendships and begin to understand social norms and expectations. they also start developing skills such as cooperation, negotiation, and conflict resolution, which are crucial for maintaining relationships.

the other theories mentioned in the question - cognitive, hierarchy of needs, and psychodynamic - each focus on different aspects of human development and behavior. however, it is the interpersonal theory that specifically notes the task of forming peer relationships as a key developmental task during the juvenile stage.

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