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DHA Marriage and Family Psychology (DHA-FamilyPsyc) Practice Exams & Test Prep Questions - Free Test

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DHA Marriage and Family Psychology - Free Test Sample Questions

What takes place during the Reproduction Phase of the Social Learning Theory?

Correct Answer:
observed behavior is copied at this phase.

the social learning theory, proposed by psychologist albert bandura, is a comprehensive theory that suggests learning is a cognitive process that takes place within a social context and can occur purely through observation. it emphasizes the importance of observing and modeling the behaviors, attitudes, and emotional reactions of others. the theory is comprised of four interlinked phases: attention, retention, reproduction, and motivation.

the reproduction phase, which is the subject of interest in the question, is the third phase of the social learning theory. it is during this phase that the observed behavior is reproduced or copied. in other words, after paying attention to the model's behavior (attention phase) and storing the observed information in memory (retention phase), the learner attempts to copy or reproduce the behavior.

reproduction involves converting the mental images or descriptions into actual behavior. the learner might not be able to perfectly replicate the behavior observed initially and thus, practice becomes critical at this phase. as the learner repeats the observed behavior, they get a chance to make corrections and adjustments, gradually improving their performance and bringing it closer to the model's behavior.

it is also important to note that the success of the reproduction phase heavily depends on the learner's physical capabilities and self-perception of efficacy. for instance, a person might observe a complex gymnastics move, but they may not necessarily be able to reproduce it due to physical limitations or a lack of confidence in their ability to perform the move.

the reproduction phase is essential in the social learning theory as it allows the learner to translate the observed and stored behaviors into action, leading to the acquisition of new skills and behaviors. this phase is not simply about imitation, but also involves processes such as practice, improvement, and self-evaluation. it plays a vital role in the overall learning process and is considered necessary for learning to take place.