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DHA Mammography (DHA-MAM) Practice Tests & Test Prep

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DHA Mammography Sample Test

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What area of the breast is best visualized when the craniocaudal projection is used during a routine mammogram?

Correct Answer:

the correct answer to the question regarding which area of the breast is best visualized during a routine mammogram using the craniocaudal projection is the subareolar area.

the craniocaudal view in mammography is specifically effective in visualizing the subareolar, medial, central, and posteromedial tissues of the breast. this projection involves the x-ray beam passing from the top (cranial side) to the bottom (caudal side) of the breast, effectively capturing an image that highlights these particular areas. it is one of the standard views taken during a mammogram because it provides a clear picture of the central parts of the breast, crucial for detecting abnormalities in these regions.

the other answer choices listed—axillary tail, breast cushion, and posterior and upper-outer breast quadrants—are not best visualized with the craniocaudal projection. the axillary tail, which extends into the armpit, is better seen in the axillary tail view or in a specialized projection that targets this area. similarly, the posterior and upper-outer breast quadrants are more effectively visualized using the medial lateral oblique (mlo) projection, where the x-ray beam passes from the medial (near the sternum) side to the lateral (outer) side of the breast. this projection angle provides a more comprehensive view of the outer regions of the breast, which are crucial for screening, as many breast cancers develop in this area.

additionally, the mention of breast cushions in the context of mammography pertains to patient comfort and stability during the procedure. these fda-approved cushions are placed on the breast tray and under the compression paddle to provide a softer, warmer surface that can help reduce discomfort and prevent the breast from moving or slipping during the imaging process. while important for patient experience, this does not pertain to the visualization of specific breast areas during the craniocaudal view.

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