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DHA Medical Surgical Nursing - Free Test Sample Questions

A patient's gait is unsteady after recovering from surgery. What diagnosis is this under Maslow's hierarchy of needs?

Correct Answer:
risk for injury.

when a patient exhibits an unsteady gait after recovering from surgery, it is crucial to assess the potential risks associated with their mobility issue. one primary concern is the increased likelihood of the patient falling, which can lead to various injuries. this condition is recognized under the nursing diagnosis of "risk for injury."

according to maslow's hierarchy of needs, safety and security are fundamental requirements that come just above physiological needs such as food, water, and rest. the hierarchy suggests that once a person’s basic physiological needs are satisfied, their safety needs—including personal security, health, and well-being—become a priority. an unsteady gait post-surgery places the patient in a vulnerable position where their safety is compromised, aligning this scenario with the safety and security level of maslow's hierarchy.

the diagnosis of "risk for injury" necessitates appropriate nursing interventions to mitigate the risk of falls and other related injuries. these interventions might include implementing fall-prevention measures, supervising or assisting the patient during ambulation, and possibly using assistive devices to enhance stability and safety. education on safe movement techniques and environmental modifications to remove potential hazards are also critical components of care for such patients.

it is important to note that while other concerns like activity intolerance, spiritual distress, or anxiety might also be relevant to a patient's overall well-being, the immediate concern highlighted by an unsteady gait is the physical risk of injury. thus, under maslow's hierarchy and in nursing practice, the priority is to secure the patient’s physical safety through appropriate interventions aimed at preventing falls and injuries.

A dysfunctional communication pattern in which a person uses another to gain what he or she wants is known as which of the following?

Correct Answer:

the correct answer to the question is "manipulation." this term refers to a dysfunctional communication pattern where one person uses another to achieve their own desires or goals. in the context of communication, manipulation is often subtle and can involve emotional, psychological, or even physical tactics to influence others to act in ways that benefit the manipulator.

manipulation can occur in various relationships and settings, including families, workplaces, friendships, and romantic partnerships. it is characterized by a lack of transparency and honesty, where the manipulator does not directly communicate their needs or desires. instead, they resort to deceptive and indirect methods to control or influence others.

an example of manipulation in a family setting could be when a parent uses a child to accomplish something that serves the parent's interests. a common scenario might involve a parent exaggerating or fabricating a child's symptoms of illness to obtain prescription medicine that the parent intends to use themselves. this not only places the child in an unfair position but also misuses the child's situation for personal gain.

understanding manipulation and recognizing its signs can be crucial in maintaining healthy and straightforward communication in any relationship. awareness of such patterns can help individuals set boundaries and seek healthier ways of interacting that foster respect and honesty.