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DHA Ophthalmic Technician (DHA-OT) Practice Tests & Test Prep

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Everything you need to pass your certification exam!

The more you know about the DHA Ophthalmic Technician exam the better prepared you will be! Our practice tests are designed to help you master both the subject matter and the art of test-taking to be sure you are fully prepared for your exam.

Here are a few things to think about:

  • What is the DHA Ophthalmic Technician certification exam?
  • Who is Responsible for the DHA exam?
  • Am I eligibility for the DHA Ophthalmic Technician Exam?
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Olivia R., Washington

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DHA Ophthalmic Technician Sample Test

1 of 5

Which is a correct instruction for instilling eye drops in most situations?

Correct Answer:
gently pull eyelid down and away from the eyeball.
the correct instruction for instilling eye drops in most situations involves a few key steps to ensure the drops are administered effectively and safely. here is an expanded explanation of the process:

**start by preparing the eye drops**: before instilling eye drops, it's important to wash your hands thoroughly to prevent any potential contamination or infection. ensure the eye drop container is not damaged, and the solution inside is not cloudy or discolored.

**positioning**: to begin, the patient should tilt her head back slightly and look up at the ceiling. this position helps in exposing the lower eyelid and makes it easier to apply the drops without missing.

**gently pull down the lower eyelid**: using a clean finger, gently pull down the lower eyelid to create a small pocket or 'sac'. this is where the eye drop should be placed. pulling the eyelid away from the eyeball prevents the drop from being wasted on the eyelashes or cheek and helps in targeting the correct area.

**instill the drop**: hold the dropper above the eye, ensuring it does not touch the eye or eyelashes as this can contaminate the dropper. squeeze gently to release one drop into the pocket made by the lower eyelid. it’s crucial to avoid touching the eye's surface with the dropper to prevent injury and contamination.

**close the eye gently**: after instilling the drop, the patient should gently close her eyes for about one minute. avoid squeezing the eyes shut or blinking vigorously, as this can cause the medication to spill out of the eye.

**wait before using another drop or closing the other eye**: if more than one drop is prescribed, or if drops need to be applied to both eyes, it's advisable to wait a few minutes before repeating the procedure. this helps in avoiding dilution or overflow of the medication.

**practice and compliance**: it might be beneficial for the patient to practice this procedure in the presence of a healthcare provider to ensure it is done correctly. proper technique is critical for the effectiveness of the treatment and can increase patient compliance. these detailed steps provide clear instructions for patients on how to properly instill eye drops, which is crucial for the effective treatment of various eye conditions. ensuring that patients understand and follow these instructions can lead to better outcomes and prevent complications associated with improper administration of eye drops.

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