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DHA Speech Therapist Assistant (DHA-SPA) Practice Test & Study Guides

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DHA Speech Therapist Assistant Sample Test

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At which age would you expect a child to begin using inner speech?

Correct Answer:
inner speech, often referred to as self-talk or verbal thinking, is a critical cognitive process where individuals converse with themselves internally rather than out loud. this mental activity plays a vital role in self-regulation, problem-solving, and reflective thinking. for children, the development of inner speech is a significant step in their cognitive and linguistic growth.

inner speech is a concept deeply rooted in the theories of russian psychologist lev vygotsky. he proposed that around the age of two to seven years, children transition from using external language (speaking out loud) to internal language (thinking in speech). this shift is crucial for cognitive development, as it allows children to begin using language to regulate their behavior and think independently. according to vygotsky, inner speech develops through social interactions; as children engage and talk with others, they gradually internalize this external speech.

by the age of 8, most children have developed the ability to use inner speech effectively. this development typically follows their earlier years, during which they might have been observed talking to themselves aloud while playing or solving problems. this self-directed speech is an intermediate stage, serving as a bridge between external speech and mature internalized speech. around age 7, as noted by vygotsky and supported by subsequent research, children start to condense and internalize their verbal expressions. therefore, by age 8, they are more adept at using inner speech to guide their actions and thoughts without the need to vocalize them.

the ability to use inner speech at the age of 8 is important because it enhances cognitive functions such as planning, strategic thinking, and self-reflection. it also plays a crucial role in reading comprehension and mathematical reasoning, where silent reading and mental calculations involve the use of inner speech. moreover, inner speech is key to emotional self-regulation, allowing children to manage their feelings and impulses internally.

in summary, by the age of 8, most children are expected to have developed the ability to use inner speech. this development marks a significant cognitive milestone, reflecting their growing independence in thought and action. it indicates a shift from relying on external cues and vocalizations to employing more sophisticated, internalized mental processes. this capability not only facilitates academic learning but also supports broader social and emotional development.

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