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DOH EKG (DOH-EKG) Practice Tests & Test Prep by Exam Edge - Free Test

Our free DOH ElectrocardioGram (DOH-EKG) Practice Test was created by experienced educators who designed them to align with the official Department of Health (DOH) Abu Dhabi content guidelines. They were built to accurately mirror the real exam's structure, coverage of topics, difficulty, and types of questions.

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DOH ElectrocardioGram - Free Test Sample Questions

Which of the following might be considered correct for a complication of doing an electrocardiogram on an elderly person?

Correct Answer:
fragile skin

fragile skin is indeed a common concern when performing an electrocardiogram (ecg) on elderly patients. this is because, as people age, their skin becomes thinner and less elastic due to changes in the dermis, which is the thicker layer of the skin that contains collagen and elastin fibers. the loss of these fibers not only contributes to the overall fragility of the skin but also makes it more susceptible to injuries such as tears and bruises. therefore, when applying the electrodes necessary for an ecg, it is crucial to handle the skin gently and use decreased pressure to avoid causing skin trauma.

regarding the other options listed: 1. obesity: while obesity is not directly related to skin fragility, it can complicate the process of performing an ecg. in obese patients, it might be difficult to place the electrodes correctly due to the increased thickness of the subcutaneous fat layer, which can interfere with the transmission of electrical signals. however, this does not specifically relate to the complication of fragile skin. 2. hypertension: high blood pressure, or hypertension, is also not directly linked to skin fragility. although it's a common condition in the elderly and can affect overall cardiovascular health, hypertension does not impact the physical condition of the skin in the context of applying ecg electrodes.

therefore, when considering the specific complication of skin fragility during an ecg in elderly patients, the correct and most relevant choice is "fragile skin" itself. the other conditions mentioned, while they may present their own challenges during an ecg, do not specifically affect the complication concerning the fragility of the skin. hence, the answer focusing solely on fragile skin is the most accurate in this context.