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NMC Adult Nursing (NMC-AdultNursing) Practice Tests & Test Prep by Exam Edge - Free Test

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NMC Adult Nursing - Free Test Sample Questions

You have a patient who has been diagnosed with pancreatitis. Which of the following test results is most likely to be consistent with this diagnosis?

Correct Answer:
lipase is elevated.

when diagnosing pancreatitis, certain laboratory test results are commonly evaluated to confirm the presence and assess the severity of the condition. one of the most significant and typically elevated enzymes is lipase. an elevated lipase level is highly suggestive of pancreatitis and is considered a key diagnostic marker. lipase is an enzyme produced by the pancreas that helps in the digestion of dietary fats. when the pancreas is inflamed, as in pancreatitis, lipase levels in the blood can significantly increase.

alongside lipase, other test results might also be altered in cases of pancreatitis, though these are not as specific as lipase. for example, the white blood cell count may be elevated, indicating an acute inflammatory or infectious process, such as acute pancreatitis. additionally, bilirubin levels might be mildly elevated in about 20% of patients with pancreatitis, particularly if the inflammation has caused a blockage in the bile ducts.

glucose levels are another important marker to monitor in pancreatitis. severe pancreatitis can affect the insulin-producing cells in the pancreas, leading to elevated blood glucose levels. conversely, glucose levels are not typically severely decreased in pancreatitis; rather, they can increase if the pancreas' ability to produce insulin is compromised.

calcium levels may also be affected in pancreatitis. typically, they may be mildly decreased rather than increased. the decrease in calcium can be due to fat necrosis—a condition where fat cells are destroyed, and their fatty acids bind with calcium. this can be a useful marker in assessing the severity of pancreatitis.

given these common findings, the test result most consistent with a diagnosis of pancreatitis would be an elevated lipase level. this is a direct indicator of pancreatic inflammation and damage, and it is a more specific test compared to other potential changes in blood chemistry like bilirubin, glucose, or calcium levels. therefore, in the context of confirming pancreatitis, elevated lipase is the most reliable and relevant test result.