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NMC Nursing Supervisors (NMC-Super) Practice Tests & Test Prep by Exam Edge

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NMC Nursing Supervisors Sample Test

1 of 5

Which of the following is NOT true of the Pregnancy Discrimination Act?

Correct Answer:
a woman cannot receive benefits if any disabilities are caused by pregnancy.

the correct explanation for why the statement "a woman cannot receive benefits if any disabilities are caused by pregnancy" is not true under the pregnancy discrimination act (pda) is based on the protections the act provides. the pda, an amendment to title vii of the civil rights act of 1964, specifically prohibits discrimination on the basis of pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions.

according to the act, employers are required to treat women affected by pregnancy or related conditions in the same manner as other applicants or employees with similar abilities or limitations. this includes providing the same health, disability, insurance, and sick leave benefits.

thus, if an employer offers benefits for temporary disability due to other medical conditions, they must equivalently provide those benefits for disability arising from pregnancy or childbirth. this requirement ensures that a woman affected by pregnancy-related disabilities is not treated less favorably than employees with other types of medical conditions.

choices a, b, and c in the quiz reflect true statements based on the provisions of the pda: - a woman cannot be denied a job or promotion merely because she is pregnant or has had an abortion. - a woman cannot be fired because of pregnancy, nor can she be forced to go on leave as long as she is physically capable of working. - a woman who takes maternity leave must be reinstated under the same conditions as employees who return from leaves following other disabilities.

each of these points aligns with the pda’s objective to eliminate discrimination against pregnant women in the workplace and to ensure they are treated with the same respect and consideration as other employees dealing with medical disabilities.

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