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SLE Dental Hygiene Technician (SLE-DH) Practice Tests & Test Prep by Exam Edge

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The more you know about the SLE Dental Hygiene Technician exam the better prepared you will be! Our practice tests are designed to help you master both the subject matter and the art of test-taking to be sure you are fully prepared for your exam.

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  • What is the SLE Dental Hygiene Technician certification exam?
  • Who is Responsible for the SLE exam?
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Olivia R., Washington

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SLE Dental Hygiene Technician Sample Test

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What does the prophy jet use to remove stains?

Correct Answer:
air pressure.

the correct answer to the question of what a prophy jet uses to remove stains is "air pressure." the prophy jet, also known as an air polish unit, utilizes high-velocity air along with an abrasive agent to effectively remove stains from the surfaces of teeth. this dental tool is particularly useful for tackling stubborn extrinsic stains that can accumulate from habits like smoking or consuming foods and drinks that discolor the teeth, such as coffee, tea, and red wine.

the operation of a prophy jet involves a mixture of air, water, and an abrasive powder, typically sodium bicarbonate (baking soda), being forcefully ejected from the tip of the device. the air pressure propels this mixture onto the tooth surface at a high speed, enabling the removal of plaque and stains without the need for manual scraping with dental instruments. this method not only enhances the efficiency of cleaning but also improves patient comfort during the procedure.

however, while using a prophy jet, care must be taken to avoid potential sensitivity. the intensity of the air pressure and the abrasive nature of the powder can sometimes cause discomfort, especially if the patient has sensitive teeth or exposed dentinal surfaces. dental professionals should assess the patient's oral health condition and adjust the use of the prophy jet accordingly to minimize discomfort. additionally, proper technique and handling are crucial to ensure that the cleaning is effective without causing harm to the gums or enamel.

in summary, the prophy jet uses air pressure as its key mechanism to remove stains from teeth, providing an efficient alternative to traditional mechanical scraping methods. its use in dental hygiene practices highlights advancements in dental technology aimed at improving patient care and treatment outcomes.

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