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SLE EMT (SLE-EMT) Practice Tests & Test Prep by Exam Edge - Free Test

Our free SLE Emergency Medicine Technician (SLE-EMT) Practice Test was created by experienced educators who designed them to align with the official Saudi License Exam content guidelines. They were built to accurately mirror the real exam's structure, coverage of topics, difficulty, and types of questions.

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SLE Emergency Medicine Technician - Free Test Sample Questions

The trachea divides into how many bronchi?

Correct Answer:
2 .

1 the trachea, commonly known as the windpipe, is a vital part of the human respiratory system that provides a clear airway for air to enter and exit the lungs. it is a tubular structure that starts just under the larynx (voice box) and extends down to the chest, where it divides into two smaller tubes called bronchi.

2 the division of the trachea occurs at a point lower down in the chest and this bifurcation is known as the carina. this is a ridge of cartilage situated at the point where the trachea splits into the left and right bronchi. each bronchus then leads into one of the lungs, the right bronchus entering the right lung, and the left bronchus entering the left lung.

3 these two primary bronchi are asymmetrical in their structure and positioning. the right bronchus is typically shorter, wider, and more vertical than the left, which is why foreign objects inhaled accidentally are more likely to enter the right lung. each bronchus further subdivides into smaller branches within the lungs, eventually forming the bronchioles and alveoli where gas exchange occurs.

4 the carina is a crucial anatomical feature because it contains nerve endings that trigger the cough reflex when irritated by particles or mucus, helping to protect the respiratory system from infection and foreign objects. the division of the trachea into two bronchi is essential for directing air into both lungs, facilitating efficient breathing and gas exchange, which are vital for maintaining the body's oxygen supply and removing carbon dioxide.