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SLE Nurse Specialist (SLE-NurseSpec) Practice Tests & Test Prep by Exam Edge

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SLE Nurse Specialist Sample Test

1 of 5

Which of the following is not generally associated with aging?

Correct Answer:
increased appetite

aging is commonly associated with various physiological and health changes. some of these changes include chronic health problems, skin breakdown, and reduction in muscle mass. however, increased appetite is not typically one of these changes. in fact, the opposite is often true.

as individuals age, they may experience a decrease in appetite. this decline can be due to several factors such as changes in the body's metabolism, alterations in the sense of taste and smell, or the side effects of medications that are commonly prescribed for various age-related health issues. additionally, older adults might experience dental problems or gastrointestinal changes that can make eating less appealing or more challenging.

chronic health problems such as diabetes, heart disease, and osteoporosis are more prevalent as people age. these conditions can significantly influence overall health and lifestyle, including dietary habits and physical activity levels. the management of these diseases often requires careful monitoring of diet and nutrition, which can further impact appetite and food intake.

skin breakdown, another issue associated with aging, refers to the loss of skin integrity, which increases the risk of injury and infection. this condition is primarily due to the skin becoming thinner and less elastic as part of the natural aging process.

reduction in muscle mass, known as sarcopenia, is also common in older adults. this reduction can affect physical strength and mobility, influencing an individual's ability to engage in activities, including those related to preparing and consuming meals.

in contrast to these age-related changes, an increased appetite is generally not associated with aging. while there are exceptions where certain health conditions or psychological factors might lead to an increase in appetite, these are not typical and should be evaluated by a healthcare provider. therefore, when considering changes generally associated with aging, increased appetite does not fit the pattern observed in the majority of older adults.

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