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SNB Advanced Practice Nurses Sample Test

1 of 5

Which of the following is NOT a leading health indicator selected by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion?

Correct Answer:
extreme sporting activities

the u.s. department of health and human services office of disease prevention and health promotion selects leading health indicators that are high-priority health issues and have the capacity to motivate action, improve public health, and help reduce health disparities. these indicators are chosen because they represent critical health issues that, if addressed appropriately, can significantly improve the health of the nation.

among the options listed: - **overweight and obesity** are recognized as critical public health issues in the united states due to their high prevalence and their association with serious health conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, and certain types of cancer. as such, addressing overweight and obesity is a leading health indicator. - **tobacco abuse** is another major health concern included as a leading health indicator due to its well-documented negative effects on health, including lung cancer, respiratory diseases, and cardiovascular diseases. efforts to reduce tobacco use are seen as pivotal in improving public health. - **substance abuse**, including the misuse of alcohol, prescription drugs, and other illegal substances, also features as a leading health indicator. substance abuse contributes to a wide range of adverse health and social outcomes, making it a priority for public health initiatives.

in contrast: - **extreme sporting activities** are not included as a leading health indicator by the u.s. department of health and human services office of disease prevention and health promotion. while participation in extreme sports can lead to injuries, these activities are not prevalent enough across the general population to be considered a public health priority at the level of obesity, tobacco use, or substance abuse. additionally, extreme sports do not have the same broad implications for public health as the other listed issues.

therefore, the correct answer to the question of which option is not a leading health indicator selected by the u.s. department of health and human services office of disease prevention and health promotion is "extreme sporting activities." this choice does not meet the criteria of widespread impact and potential for motivating significant public health action compared to the other options listed.

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