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SNB ENP (SNB-ENP) Practice Tests & Test Prep by Exam Edge

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SNB Enrolled Nurse (Psychiatric) (ENP) Sample Test

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Sullivan believed that individual behavior and personality development are the direct result of interpersonal relationships. According to Sullivan the major developmental task of the preadolescent is which of the following?

Correct Answer:
learning to form satisfactory relationships with persons of the same gender

harry stack sullivan, an influential psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, proposed an interpersonal theory of personality development that emphasized the importance of interpersonal relationships in shaping individual behavior and personality. sullivan’s interpersonal theory outlined various stages of development, each with its own unique developmental tasks.

in the preadolescent stage, which sullivan identified as typically occurring between the ages of 9 and 12, the primary developmental task is to learn to form satisfactory relationships with persons of the same gender. this stage is characterized by the development of close friendships, primarily with peers of the same sex. these friendships serve as a crucial platform for preadolescents to explore their identities, establish their self-esteem, and learn important social skills.

additionally, sullivan noted that preadolescents also begin to initiate feelings of affection for another person. this doesn't necessarily mean romantic affection, but rather deeper emotional connections that go beyond the casual friendships often seen in earlier stages of development.

thus, the other options presented in the question - developing a sense of identity, learning to experience a delay in personal gratification without undue anxiety, and working to develop a lasting, intimate opposite-gender relationship - while being important aspects of overall personality development, are not considered the primary developmental task for preadolescents according to sullivan's interpersonal theory. this theory emphasizes the importance of same-gender relationships during this stage of development.

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