At we take great pride in our practice tests and their ability to help you pass your Medical-Surgical Nursing Certification Board certification exam.
We are confident in our ability to help you pass your MSNCB exam and look forward to helping you achieve your goals.
We offer 2 MSNCB subjects with 40 different exams utilizing 4,000 unique questions specifically designed to help you pass your MSNCB certification exam. Our practice tests simulate the actual testing experiences by covering the required competencies and incorporating content and the application of skills necessary for you to be ready for opportunities requiring certification by the MSNCB.
The MSNCB is a professional organization that provides certification for medical-surgical nurses. The certification exams are intended to validate the competency and knowledge of nurses in this field.
To be eligible for the MSNCB certification exam, you must hold a current, active RN license in the United States or its territories. You also need two years of full-time employment as a registered nurse, with at least 2,000 hours of practice in medical-surgical nursing in the last 3 years, and 30 hours of continuing nursing education in medical-surgical nursing in the last 3 years. The application can be submitted online through the MSNCB website.
Once your application is approved, MSNCB will send you an Authorization to Test (ATT) via email. You can then schedule your exam at a PSI testing center. The exact location will depend on the options available in your region. You can find the nearest location through PSI's online system.
The exam is computer-based and consists of 175 multiple-choice questions. You will have 3.5 hours to complete the exam. The test includes questions on a variety of topics related to medical-surgical nursing, including patient problems and nursing interventions.
The exam is conducted at various PSI testing centers located across the United States. The exact location will depend on your region. You can find more information about the exam and the application process on the MSNCB website:
Please confirm if this is the information you were looking for or if you meant a different organization.Medical-surgical nursing (med-surg) is the most common specialty for registered nurses and is considered the entry-level position for most RNs getting...
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