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AACN CCRN-E (CCRN-E) Practice Tests & Test Prep by Exam Edge - Free Test

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AACN Adult Acute/Critical Care/Tele-ICU Nursing Certification - Free Test Sample Questions

What is the proper placement of a thoracostomy tube?

Correct Answer:
second or third intercostal space in the mid-clavicular line

a thoracostomy tube, commonly known as a chest tube, is a medical device used to treat conditions like pneumothorax (collapsed lung), pleural effusion (fluid accumulation between the lung and chest wall), or hemothorax (blood in the pleural space). proper placement of the thoracostomy tube is crucial for the effective management of these conditions and to avoid complications.

the recommended placement for a thoracostomy tube when addressing a pneumothorax is typically in the second or third intercostal space at the mid-clavicular line. the intercostal spaces are the gaps between the ribs, and the mid-clavicular line is an imaginary vertical line drawn downward from the midpoint of the clavicle (collarbone).

to identify the correct intercostal space, locate the first rib, which is directly beneath the clavicle. count downward to the second or third rib. placing the tube in this location helps ensure that it enters the pleural space without damaging underlying structures such as the liver, spleen, or heart.

the procedure for inserting a thoracostomy tube involves making a small incision over the chosen intercostal space, followed by careful dissection through the chest wall and into the pleural space. the tube is then directed towards the space where air or fluid needs to be evacuated.

it is important that the tube insertion is performed under sterile conditions to prevent infection. after placement, the tube is connected to a drainage system to allow continuous evacuation of air or fluid. the proper function and position of the thoracostomy tube are typically confirmed by a chest x-ray.

in summary, the proper placement of a thoracostomy tube for the treatment of pneumothorax is in the second or third intercostal space at the mid-clavicular line. this placement helps maximize the effectiveness of the treatment while minimizing potential risks and complications.