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NCSBN Practice Exam Questions & Practice Tests

A National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) practice exam from Exam Edge is the best form of preparation - no matter which one of the many nursing tests you need to take to advance your career. With Exam Edge, you can see real NCSBN practice questions and control the timing of the NCSBN practice test. If you want to get your nursing license in the US and Canada, you must pass the NCSBN National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX) — Exam Edge has you covered with the industry's best test prep. Start your NCSBN practice exam today and get on the path to becoming licensed.

Browse For Your Exam :

What are NCSBN tests?

The licensing exams offered by the NCSBN include the National Nurse Aid Assessment Program, the Medication Aide Certification Exam and several variations on the NCSBN NCLEX. Perhaps the most widely known nursing exam, the NCLEX is taken by aspiring nurses across the US and Canada. All of the NCSBN tests feature subject-specific content and vary in length. Regardless of which certification you're hoping to get, NCSBN practice exams can help you prepare for the test.

Do You Have to Take NCLEX for Renewal Certification?

The NCLEX is an essential step in becoming a nurse practitioner. Once you have passed the exam and received your license, you will still need to renew your certification according to your state Board of Nursing. In most cases, renewal is required every two years. To renew your license, you don't have to retake the NCSBN exams. Instead, you'll need to show that you have received the correct number of continuing education credits.

Who should take NCSBN exams?

Healthcare professionals of a variety of backgrounds and experience levels can take NCSBN exams. For many nursing positions, passing scores on the NCLEX and other NCSBN tests are required to work in the field. If you're hoping to become a registered nurse, a practical nurse, nurse aid or a vocational nurse, you'll likely need a passing score on one of the many NCSBN tests. No matter your background or area of interest, NCSBN exam prep can help you reach your nursing career goals.

Certain requirements must be met in order to register for NCSBN tests. For some exams, you'll need to have completed coursework related to your field of study. In other cases, you'll need supervised experience to qualify for the exam. Because of the wide variety of experience and education needed for different nursing jobs, it's a good idea to check out the NCSBN website for guidance on specific test registration requirements.

What score do I need to pass NCSBN tests?

The NCLEX-RN exam is a pass/fail test. You'll need to answer at least 50 percent of the questions correctly in order to pass. The same goes for the NCLEX-PN test. To pass the Medication Aide Certification Exam, test takers must answer 40 of the 50 questions correctly. For the National Nurse Aide Assessment Program test, you'll need to score at least an 80 out of a possible 100 points to pass. Thorough test prep through NCLEX practice tests can help ensure you pass with flying colors.

How to prepare for the NCSBN exam

Exam Edge provides online test prep, including blog posts filled with tips and strategies for passing the NCLEX test. However, the critical way to get ready for certification is to take plenty of NCLEX practice exams. Our practice tests have the same format, pacing, and subject matter as the real deal. The NCLEX practice questions provide an accurate measurement of how you would do if you were to take the actual certification test today. Plus, with explanations for each incorrect answer, these practice tests allow you to hone your NCSBN NCLEX review and study sessions by focusing on subjects that stump you.

No matter your nursing track, Exam Edge offers the NCSBN exam practice tests you need to adequately prepare. Get started today with a pack of our NCSBN practice tests!

Who is National Council of State Boards of Nursing ?

What is NCSBN?

The National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) is a not-for-profit organization that provides an avenue through which boards of nursing act and counsel together on matters of common interest and concern affecting public health, safety and welfare. This includes the development of nursing licensure examinations like the NCLEX-RN and NCLEX-PN.

Steps for NCSBN Certification Exams

Step 1: Eligibility and Application

Before you can register to take an NCSBN exam, you must first apply for licensure/registration with the board of nursing/regulatory body (BON/RB) where you wish to be registered. After the BON/RB declares you eligible, you will receive an Authorization to Test (ATT) email. You can apply through the respective BON/RB's website or office.

Step 2: Scheduling the Exam

Once you have received your ATT, you can schedule your exam. You can do this through the Pearson VUE website, which is the authorized administrator of the NCLEX exams. You must take the NCLEX exam within the validity dates of your ATT (these validity dates cannot be extended for any reason).

Step 3: Taking the Exam

The NCLEX exam can be taken at any Pearson Professional Center (PPC) in the U.S., American Samoa, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Additionally, a limited number of international locations are available. To find a testing location near you, visit the Pearson VUE website.

Location Information and Website

The NCSBN is headquartered in Chicago, Illinois, USA. However, their services and exams are provided in various locations globally through their partners. For more information about NCSBN and their certification exams, visit their website at

Exam Edge Blogs for NCSBN - National Council of State Boards of Nursing