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NNCC CCHTA (CCHT) Practice Tests & Test Prep by Exam Edge

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NNCC Certified Clinical Hemodialysis Technician - Advanced Sample Test

1 of 5

The process of dialysis is very complex and requires a team in order to meet the needs
of the patient. Which of the following would not be considered a person that might be on
the dialysis team?

Correct Answer:
environmental technician

the process of dialysis is complex and requires a highly specialized and interdisciplinary team to adequately address the diverse needs of patients undergoing treatment. the primary goal of the dialysis team is to provide efficient and effective treatment while managing the various physical, emotional, and logistical challenges that patients may face. each member of the team plays a critical role in ensuring the overall well-being and health of the patients.

members of a typical dialysis team include: - **nephrologists**: doctors who specialize in kidney care and oversee the medical management of kidney failure. - **dialysis rn (registered nurse)**: nurses who specialize in dialysis treatment, monitoring patients before, during, and after the procedure and ensuring that the dialysis machine and other medical equipment are functioning properly. - **dietitians**: health professionals who assist patients in managing their diet to keep fluid levels, electrolytes, and kidney waste products in balance. - **social workers**: they provide support and resources to help patients cope with the social and emotional aspects of their condition, including financial issues, transportation, and psychological stress. - **dialysis technicians**: technicians who operate the dialysis machines and are responsible for their maintenance and preparation before each dialysis session.

additional support may come from: - **physical therapists**: to help maintain or improve physical function and mobility. - **clergy or spiritual advisors**: to provide spiritual support as requested by patients. - **exercise physiologists**: to assist with tailored exercise programs that fit the needs and limitations of dialysis patients. - **pharmacists**: to manage and review medication to avoid any potential interactions and ensure they are safe for kidney health.

one role that is not typically part of the dialysis team is the **environmental technician**. although environmental technicians play a crucial role in maintaining a clean and safe environment in medical settings by handling waste management and sanitation, their role is not specialized or directly integrated into the dialysis treatment team. their functions do not intersect frequently with the direct care processes involved in dialysis, which are handled by clinical personnel trained specifically for dialysis procedures and patient care.

thus, while an environmental technician is vital for the overall operation of a medical facility, they would not be considered a member of the dialysis team, whose roles are directly connected to patient treatment, care, and support specific to dialysis.

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