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Nurse Aide Practice Tests & Test Prep by Exam Edge

At ExamEdge.com we take great pride in our practice tests and their ability to help you pass your Nurse Aide certification exam. We are confident in our ability to help you pass your Nurse Aide exam and look forward to helping you achieve your goals.

We offer 13 Nurse Aide subjects with 3,900 different exams utilizing 600 unique questions specifically designed to help you pass your Nurse Aide certification exam. Our practice tests simulate the actual testing experiences by covering the required competencies and incorporating content and the application of skills necessary for you to be ready for opportunities requiring certification by the Nurse Aide.

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Who is Nurse Aide ?

A Nurse Aide, also known as a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA), is a healthcare professional who assists patients with their healthcare needs under the supervision of a Registered Nurse (RN) or a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN). The certification exams for a Nurse Aide vary by state in the United States and are often administered through state-approved testing sites.

Step 1: Eligibility and Application

Before applying for the exam, you must meet the eligibility requirements. These requirements vary by state but typically include completing a state-approved CNA training program and passing a criminal background check. Once you meet the eligibility requirements, you can apply for the exam through your state's Nurse Aide registry or through an approved testing organization like the National Nurse Aide Assessment Program (NNAAP) or Prometric.

For NNAAP: Visit www.pearsonvue.com and select your state from the "NNAAP Nurse Aide" dropdown menu. Complete and submit the application form.

For Prometric: Visit www.prometric.com, select "Nurse Aide" under the "Test Taker Services" section, and then select your state. Complete and submit the application form.

Step 2: Scheduling the Exam

Once your application is accepted, you can schedule your exam. The scheduling process varies by testing organization.

For NNAAP: You will receive an Authorization to Test (ATT) letter that includes instructions on how to schedule your exam. You can schedule your exam through the Pearson VUE website.

For Prometric: You can schedule your exam through the Prometric website. Select "Nurse Aide" under the "Test Taker Services" section, select your state, and then select "Schedule My Test".

Step 3: Taking the Exam

The exam typically consists of a written or oral portion and a skills demonstration portion. You will need to pass both portions to become certified. The location of the exam varies by state and testing organization.

For NNAAP: The exam is usually given at a Pearson VUE testing center. Visit the Pearson VUE website for a list of testing center locations in your state.

For Prometric: The exam is usually given at a Prometric testing center or at an approved nursing facility. Visit the Prometric website for a list of testing center locations in your state.