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OAE Foundations of Reading (190) Practice Tests & Test Prep by Exam Edge

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  • 15 online practice exams with 102 and 2 Essay unique questions per exam
  • 1,530 unique questions, if you purchase all 15 exams

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OAE Foundations of Reading Sample Test

1 of 5

Which of the following lists of words would be considered sight words for elementary students?

Correct Answer:
was, the, were, who, to
sight words, sometimes referred to as high-frequency words, are common words that young readers are encouraged to memorize as a whole by sight, so that they can automatically recognize these words in text without having to use decoding strategies. this approach is essential in early education as it helps to build reading fluency, allowing students to read more smoothly and quickly.

the list "was, the, were, who, to" consists of words that are prime examples of sight words. these words do not follow simple phonics rules, making them hard to sound out and therefore ideal candidates for sight word recognition. for instance, the word "the" is pronounced with a silent 'e,' and "who" is pronounced with a silent 'w,' which can be confusing to a child learning to read using phonics alone.

in contrast, the other lists such as "stop, hop, drop, pop" and "bake, baking, baked" are more suited to phonics-based teaching. these words can be easily sounded out and belong to specific word families, where a common phonetic pattern is shared (e.g., "-op" in "stop, hop, drop, pop"). teaching these words through phonics helps students understand how letters are linked to sounds and how these sounds create words.

similarly, "sing, sang, sung" represent verb forms where the change in the vowel sound illustrates a change in tense. these are not typically taught as sight words because they provide an excellent opportunity to teach students about verb conjugations and the concept of regular and irregular verbs.

therefore, the correct answer "was, the, were, who, to" represents true sight words because these words are generally taught for immediate recognition to aid reading fluency. recognizing these words on sight without decoding them allows students to read more complex texts more easily and with better comprehension, as they do not get bogged down by trying to decode every single word. this method of teaching sight words is a fundamental part of literacy education in elementary schools.

OAE Foundations of Reading (190) Shortcuts

Top 10 Reasons for using Exam Edge to pass your OAE Foundations of Reading exam

  • Exam Edge's OAE Foundations of Reading was created to focus solely on the OAE Foundations of Reading exam. All practice exam questions parallel the topics covered on the real exam, are in the right proportion,

  • Our practice exams are designed to make you familiar with the real exam. Our exams simulate the pressure of the real exam, by setting the per question time limit to be the same as the real exam. So when you take the actual exam, you will feel comfortable with the requirements of the real exam.

  • We offer 15 online practice exams with 1,530 unique questions to help you prepare for your OAE Foundations of Reading exam.

  • The low cost! The cost of ordering 5 practice tests is less than the cost of taking the real OAE Foundations of Reading exam. In other words, it would cost you less money to order 5 practice tests, than if you failed the real exam and had to retake it. Now that is a bargain!

  • If you have to stop while taking one of our exams, you can continue right where you left off. When you continue the exam, you will start exactly where you were, and with the same amount of time you had remaining.

  • After you complete a exam, we provide your raw score (how many you answered correctly) and our estimate of the OAE score you would receive if you were taking the real exam.

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  • Because the exams are web-based, there is no software to install. Our practice exams are available to you 24-hours a day. No matter where you are, you can take our practice exams on any computer with access to the internet.

  • If you need additional help, we offer specialized tutoring. Our tutors are highly qualified.

Pass Your OAE Foundations of Reading Certification Exam with Exam Edge

Are you nervous about your upcoming OAE Foundations of Reading certification exam? Look no further, Exam Edge is here to help you achieve your goal! Our world-class online practice certification tests are designed to provide you with the knowledge and confidence you need to pass your OAE Foundations of Reading exam on your first try!

Key Facts on Exam Edge's online practice tests for your OAE Foundations of Reading Exam.

  • 15 Online Practice Exams: With Exam Edge, you'll have access to 15 practice tests, each with 102 questions, to help you thoroughly prepare for your OAE Foundations of Reading (190) exam.
  • Instant Access: Get started immediately with instant access to your online practice exams. No waiting or software installation is required!
  • Detailed Explanations: Each question is accompanied by a detailed explanation, so you'll fully understand the reasoning behind the correct answer and improve your knowledge.
  • Take Each Exam 4 Times: You can take our practice exams up to 4 times, giving you plenty of opportunities to review and master the material.
  • Web-Based: Our OAE practice tests are available 24/7 at your convenience, and because they are web-based, there is no software to install.
  • Psychological Advantage: Exam Edge practice tests will allow you to walk into your test day with confidence

Exam Edge practice tests are a valuable tool for helping you prepare for the Ohio Assessments for Educators (190) certification exam. The practice tests provide a realistic simulation of the actual exam, allowing you to become familiar with the format, style, and types of questions you will encounter on the actual test. Certification exams don't just measure what you know -- they are also a test of how well you perform under pressure. The right type of test preparation helps you familiarize yourself not only with the material you're being tested on, but also the format of the test, so you feel less anxiety on test day.

OAE Foundations of Reading Aliases Test Name

Here is a list of alternative names used for this exam.

  • OAE Foundations of Reading
  • OAE Foundations of Reading test
  • OAE Foundations of Reading Certification Test
  • OAE
  • OAE 190
  • 190 test
  • OAE Foundations of Reading (190)
  • Foundations of Reading certification