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AAFCS CNWE (CNWE) Practice Tests & Test Prep by Exam Edge

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AAFCS Certified Nutrition and Wellness Educator Sample Test

1 of 5

If the power goes out, what precaution should be taken with freezers?

Correct Answer:
do not open the door.

when the power goes out, one crucial precaution to take regarding freezers is to refrain from opening the door. this prevents warm air from entering the freezer and raising the internal temperature, which can lead to the food inside thawing more rapidly. keeping the door closed helps maintain the cold environment, enabling the items inside to stay frozen longer. freezers are well-insulated and can keep food safely frozen for approximately 48 hours if the door remains unopened, depending on the freezer's fullness and the external temperatures.

in cases where an extended power outage is anticipated, adding dry ice can be a practical solution to ensure the contents remain frozen. when placing dry ice inside the freezer, minimal opening of the door is advisable to quickly place the dry ice and close the door again to maintain the internal temperature.

regarding the refreezing of food, this is generally safe as long as the food still contains ice crystals or hasn't reached a temperature above 40 degrees fahrenheit (4 degrees celsius) for more than two hours. once power is restored, it's important to check the condition of the food. if the food has completely thawed and has been at room temperature for more than two hours, it should not be refrozen as bacteria may have multiplied to unsafe levels. however, food that has partially thawed but still contains ice crystals or feels refrigerator-cold can often be safely refrozen, although there might be a loss in quality due to moisture loss.

in summary, the best practice during a power outage is to keep the freezer door closed, add dry ice if necessary, and assess each item's safety for refreezing once power is restored. this approach helps minimize food waste while ensuring food safety.

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