Correct Answer: 50%. to explain the inheritance of color blindness in the given scenario, we must consider the genetics of sex-linked recessive traits. color blindness is typically associated with mutations on the x chromosome. in humans, females have two x chromosomes (xx) and males have one x and one y chromosome (xy).
in this case, the man is color blind, which means he has the color blindness allele (let's denote it as x^c) on his only x chromosome. a color blind man has the genotype x^cy.
the woman, on the other hand, has a father who is color blind. since her father has the genotype x^cy, the x^c chromosome from her father must be passed on to all of his daughters because males pass their single x chromosome to their daughters and the y chromosome to their sons. therefore, the woman has one x^c chromosome from her father. the status of her other x chromosome (let's denote it as x or x^c) depends on her mother. if her mother was not a carrier of the color blindness allele (which is likely but not specified), the woman's genotype would be x^cx. if her mother was a carrier, her genotype could be x^cx^c, though this is less likely without additional information.
now, considering the inheritance for the couple's daughter:
- the father (x^cy) can only pass on his y chromosome to his sons or his x^c chromosome to his daughters.
- the mother (x^cx or x^cx^c) can pass either an x^c or an x chromosome to her children.
the possible combinations for their daughter, therefore, would be either x^cx^c or x^cx (if the mother is x^cx). the daughter would only be color blind if she inherits two x^c alleles (x^c from her father and x^c from her mother).
assuming the mother is heterozygous (x^cx), the probabilities are as follows:
- the mother passes on the x^c allele: 50% chance
- the father always passes on the x^c allele.
therefore, the probability that the daughter will be color blind (receiving x^c from both parents, thus x^cx^c) is 50% (the chance mother passes x^c) × 100% (father always passes x^c) = 50%.
thus, the correct answer to the question of the probability that their xx daughter will be color blind is 50%.