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ABCTE Chemistry ( Chemistry) Practice Tests & Test Prep by Exam Edge

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ABCTE Chemistry Sample Test

1 of 5

Which of the following properties in metals does not result from the presence of metallic bonding?

Correct Answer:

metallic bonding is a type of chemical bonding that arises from the electrostatic attractive force between conduction electrons (in the form of an electron cloud of delocalized electrons) and positively charged metal ions. it gives rise to many of the physical properties of metals, such as conductivity, malleability, ductility, luster, and opacity. however, not all properties of metals are due to metallic bonding alone.

to understand which property from the given options does not result from the presence of metallic bonding, let's explore each one:

**1. electrical conductivity:** electrical conductivity in metals is a direct result of the presence of free-moving, delocalized electrons allowed by metallic bonds. these electrons can move freely throughout the metal, carrying electric charge and thus enabling the metal to conduct electricity effectively.

**2. thermal conductivity:** similar to electrical conductivity, thermal conductivity in metals is also facilitated by the free electrons. as these electrons move, they can transfer kinetic energy from one part of the metal to another, effectively transferring heat.

**3. strength:** the strength of metals is largely due to metallic bonding. metal ions surrounded by a sea of delocalized electrons create an effective buffer and bond that holds the atoms together strongly. this structure underpins the mechanical strength and resilience observed in metallic materials.

**4. magnetism:** unlike the other properties listed, magnetism in metals is not primarily a result of metallic bonding. although metallic bonding does influence the electronic structure of a metal, the magnetic properties of a material depend more specifically on the electron configuration and the arrangement of electron spins within an atom or a crystalline lattice. magnetism arises mainly due to the orbital angular motion and the spin of electrons, which can align in particular ways in different materials, leading to different types of magnetic behavior such as ferromagnetism, paramagnetism, and diamagnetism.

therefore, among the given options, **magnetism** is the property that does not result directly from the presence of metallic bonding. instead, it is influenced by factors that are more related to electron spin and orbital contributions specific to the atomic and electronic structure of the metal.

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