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AEPA Health (NT505) Practice Tests & Test Prep by Exam Edge

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AEPA Health Sample Test

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Which of the following steps is included in the planning model to establish a health education program?

Correct Answer:
assessing the needs of the priority.
the question asks which step is included in the planning model to establish a health education program. out of the given options, the correct answer is "assessing the needs of the priority."

to expand on why this is the correct answer, it's important to understand what a planning model in health education encompasses. health education planning models provide a systematic approach to creating programs that address the health needs of a specific population. these models help ensure that the program is relevant, effective, and efficient.

one critical step in nearly all health education planning models is assessing the needs of the priority population. this step involves identifying the specific health issues that the targeted group is facing, which can significantly impact the program's design and implementation. it involves collecting and analyzing data to understand better the health problems, their severity, and the factors contributing to these problems. this assessment helps in setting priorities and focusing resources on the most significant issues.

for instance, in the precede-proceed model, a widely used health program planning framework, the initial phases focus on social, epidemiological, behavioral, and environmental assessments to identify the health needs of a community. this information is crucial in guiding the subsequent steps of planning, implementing, and evaluating health interventions.

therefore, "assessing the needs of the priority population" is not only a fundamental but an essential step in most health education planning models. it sets the foundation for developing effective strategies and interventions that are tailored to address the specific needs of the community or target group, thereby increasing the likelihood of achieving desired health outcomes.

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