CEOE Oklahoma General Education Test (OGET)
CEOE Oklahoma Professional Teaching Examination (OPTE)
CEOE Oklahoma Subject Area Tests (OSAT)
- CEOE Advanced Mathematics (111)
- CEOE Art (002)
- CEOE Biological Sciences (010)
- CEOE Blind/Visual Impairment (128)
- CEOE Business Education (040)
- CEOE Chemistry (004)
- CEOE Deaf/Hard of Hearing (030)
- CEOE Early Childhood Education (205)
- CEOE Earth Science (108)
- CEOE Elementary Education (150/151)
- CEOE Elementary Mathematics Specialist (082)
- CEOE Elementary Principal Specialty (045)
- CEOE English (107)
- CEOE English as a Second Language (177)
- CEOE English as a Second Language (pre Feb 2017) (077)
- CEOE Family and Consumer Sciences (009)
- CEOE Gifted Education (083)
- CEOE History/Government/Economics (017)
- CEOE Library-Media Specialist (038)
- CEOE Marketing Education (041)
- CEOE Middle Level English (124)
- CEOE Middle Level Mathematics (025)
- CEOE Middle Level Principal Specialty (046)
- CEOE Middle Level Science (026)
- CEOE Middle Level Social Studies (127)
- CEOE Middle Level/Intermediate Mathematics (125)
- CEOE Mild-Moderate Disabilities (129)
- CEOE Physical Education
- CEOE Physical Education/Health/Safety (012)
- CEOE Physical Science (013)
- CEOE Physics (014)
- CEOE Principal Comprehensive Assessment (144)
- CEOE Psychology/Sociology (132)
- CEOE Psychometrist (134)
- CEOE Reading Specialist (015)
- CEOE School Counselor (139)
- CEOE School Psychologist (033)
- CEOE Secondary Principal Specialty (047)
- CEOE Spanish (119)
- CEOE Speech-Language Pathology Assistant (084)
- CEOE Speech/Drama/Debate (116)
- CEOE Superintendent (048)
- CEOE Technology Engineering (043)
- CEOE World History/Geography (018)