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CEOE Early Childhood Education (105) Practice Tests & Test Prep by Exam Edge

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  • What is the CEOE Early Childhood Education certification exam?
  • Who is Responsible for the CEOE exam?
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Olivia R., Washington

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CEOE Early Childhood Education Sample Test

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On the first day of grade one, Michael enters his class and begins to show signs of distress. At first he tries to leave when his mother walks out of the room and when Mrs. Lane walks up to Michael he turns his head away from her and does not talk.

Throughout the day, Michael continues to cry at various intervals, usually when there is a transition and he has to do something new.  He also withdraws from a class activities and does not talk to other children in the room.  After the first day, he looks relieved to go home and the second day follows in almost the same manner.

After several months, Michael appears to have adapted to the new classroom but whenever there is a change in the routine or if a substitute teacher is brought in, Michael again withdraws, and will have episodes where he cries and throws a tantrum.

Understanding the different temperaments of children, what type of child is Michael?

Correct Answer:
Slow to Warm Up Child

difficulty with new situations and having to withdraw when he is faced with new stimuli, makes michael a "slow to warm up child".  this is very common and many children that are slow to warm up are often labeled as difficult, spoiled or may be assessed with a developmental delay.

slow to warm up children are perfectly normal and it merely shows a character that has is slower when accepting change. a child that is slow to warm up may feel some stress, ranging from mild to moderate intensity, when there is a change in routine, a new stimuli or a new environment.  however, after the child has had the time to become accustomed to the change, he will begin to not only adapt but also accept the change.

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