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ILTS Family and Consumer Sciences (172) Practice Tests & Test Prep by Exam Edge - Free Test

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ILTS Family and Consumer Sciences - Free Test Sample Questions

Employers are beginning to use Skype and FaceTime to conduct interviews more often.  Interviewing perspective employees saves time and money for the company and is much more convenient.  Which of the tips listed below is not recommended for a successful internet interview?

Correct Answer:
ask if you can interview in person, as in is easier to make a good impression when you are face to face with the interviewer.
the question targets identifying the inappropriate tip among the recommended actions for a successful internet interview. a key aspect of internet interviews is adapting to the technology and format while maintaining professionalism. the tips given revolve around ensuring technical readiness, physical presentation, and creating a conducive environment for an online interview.

the tip that is not recommended is "ask if you can interview in person, as it is easier to make a good impression when you are face to face with the interviewer." this advice contradicts the purpose and advantage of internet interviews. by requesting an in-person interview instead of conforming to the proposed video format, a candidate might inadvertently imply a reluctance to adapt to modern technologies or logistical arrangements preferred by the employer. this could be interpreted as inflexibility or a lack of technical savviness, which are undesirable traits in today's increasingly digital workplace.

in contrast, the other tips focus on optimizing the experience and presentation within the format of a video interview. dressing professionally and ensuring that your equipment is functional demonstrate preparedness and respect for the interview process, regardless of the medium. decorating the space to reflect a business environment and managing proper lighting help in creating a professional visual impression. these steps, along with practicing speaking and familiarizing oneself with the technical setup, are geared towards enhancing the effectiveness of communication during the interview, showing that the candidate is well-prepared and adaptable.

thus, the recommended approach for internet interviews is to fully engage with the format presented by the employer and to use the opportunity to showcase one's adaptability and technical competencies. asking to switch to an in-person interview not only undermines these objectives but also could potentially disadvantage the applicant in the selection process.