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ILTS Physical Education (144) Practice Tests & Test Prep by Exam Edge - Free Test

Our free ILTS Physical Education (213) Practice Test was created by experienced educators who designed them to align with the official Illinois Licensure Testing System content guidelines. They were built to accurately mirror the real exam's structure, coverage of topics, difficulty, and types of questions.

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ILTS Physical Education - Free Test Sample Questions

By using a computer, Mrs. Matell demonstrates to her class of physical education students basic skills for swimming. This process is known as what?

Correct Answer:

the term "simulations" refers to the technique that mrs. matell uses to demonstrate swimming skills to her physical education class via a computer. simulations are digital recreations of real-world activities that allow students to experience or practice skills in a virtual environment. this method is particularly useful in scenarios where actual participation is not possible due to limitations such as lack of facilities, safety concerns, or logistical issues.

in the context of mrs. matell's class, using computer simulations to teach swimming is an innovative solution to the absence of a physical swimming pool. through these simulations, students can visually comprehend the mechanics of swimming strokes, breathing techniques, and other critical swimming skills without entering the water. this can be immensely beneficial in building the students' understanding and confidence before they attempt to swim in a real pool.

simulations in education, especially in physical education, serve multiple purposes. they are not only substitutes for real-life experiences but also provide a safe, controlled environment where students can make mistakes and learn from them without the risk of injury. furthermore, simulations can be tailored to suit individual learning paces and styles, making them a versatile tool in educational settings.

moreover, the use of technology such as simulations in teaching helps engage students who are digital natives, making learning more appealing. it also prepares students for a technology-driven world by integrating technological tools into everyday learning processes.

overall, simulations represent a significant educational tool that bridges the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application. they enable educators like mrs. matell to effectively teach complex physical skills like swimming in an accessible, engaging, and safe manner.