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ILTS Special Education General Curriculum (163) Practice Tests & Test Prep by Exam Edge

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ILTS Special Education General Curriculum Sample Test

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According to IDEA, "other health impairment" might be the result of all but which of the following health problems?

Correct Answer:

*the individuals with disabilities education act (idea) categorizes various disabilities and specifies how schools should meet the needs of children with those disabilities. under idea, "other health impairment" (ohi) is defined as a condition that adversely affects a child's educational performance due to limited strength, vitality, or alertness, including a heightened alertness to environmental stimuli. this can be the result of chronic or acute health problems such as sickle cell anemia, epilepsy, and attention deficit disorder/attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (add/adhd). *

*sickle cell anemia is a genetic blood disorder that can cause episodes of pain, frequent infections, and fatigue. these symptoms can affect a child's educational performance due to the limitations they place on strength and vitality. similarly, epilepsy, which involves periodic seizures, can affect a child's alertness and overall health. add/adhd, characterized by persistent patterns of inattention and/or hyperactivity, directly impacts alertness and the ability to focus in an educational setting. *

*on the other hand, deaf-blindness is classified separately under idea. deaf-blindness refers to simultaneous visual and hearing impairments that cause severe communication, developmental, and educational challenges. the unique needs of students with deaf-blindness are distinct from those considered under ohi because they typically require highly specialized educational methods and supports. *

*therefore, while ohi covers a range of chronic or acute health conditions that primarily impact strength, vitality, or alertness, deaf-blindness is recognized under a different category due to its specific and profound impact on a child's sensory, communicative, and educational needs. hence, deaf-blindness is not considered a result of "other health impairment" under idea, making it the correct answer to which health problem does not result in an ohi classification.

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