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MCA Professional Knowledge: Middle School (062) Practice Tests & Test Prep by Exam Edge

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MCA Professional Knowledge Middle School Sample Test

1 of 5

A main difference between accommodation and assimilation is that with accommodation the child:

Correct Answer:
modifies an existing schema.

the concepts of accommodation and assimilation are critical in understanding cognitive development, particularly as articulated by jean piaget, a renowned developmental psychologist. these processes describe how children integrate new information into their pre-existing cognitive frameworks known as schemas. understanding the difference between these two processes is key to understanding how children learn and adapt to new information.

assimilation occurs when a child encounters new information and integrates this information into an existing schema without changing the schema. this process involves fitting new experiences into pre-existing ways of understanding the world. for example, if a child knows the schema for dogs and sees a small cat, they might initially call it a dog because it fits their existing schema of a four-legged animal.

accommodation, on the other hand, involves changing the existing schema in order to fit in new information when the old schema does not work anymore. this adjustment is necessary when the new information is so different that the existing schema cannot adequately encompass it, requiring the schema to be modified or expanded. for instance, using the previous example, if the child is corrected and learns that the small animal is not a dog but a cat, they might modify their schema of four-legged animals to include both dogs and cats as distinct categories.

therefore, a main difference between accommodation and assimilation is that with accommodation, the child must alter or expand their existing schema to incorporate new experiences or information, whereas with assimilation, the existing schema remains unchanged as new experiences are simply added under its umbrella. in the context of the question provided, the correct answer would be that accommodation involves modifying an existing schema to integrate new information, reflecting a deeper and more transformative process of learning compared to assimilation.

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