Correct Answer:
The Greek polis was stratified into a property-owning elite engaged in warfare, commercial enterprise, and political decision-making, and a subclass of agricultural producers who did not have a say in politics, but who participated equally with the elite in matters of religious rituals.
this question tests your knowledge of ancient greek societies. the greek city-states, or poleis, were egalitarian only for some: in the case of athens, adult male property-owning citizens with military training. the greek city-states can best be described as structured with the political, military, and commercial elite making decisions for themselves and for the subclasses who performed most of the economic production: slaves, non-citizen farmers, and women. the commercial enterprises, such as trade engaged in by the elite, functioned to acquire property wealth, rather than secure agricultural sustainability. priests in the greek poleis were not the political players they were in, for instance, mesopotamia or india; and participation in religious rituals seems to have been open to all, slave and master alike. the correct answer therefore, is c.