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MTLE Technology (Grades 5-12) (80) Practice Tests & Test Prep by Exam Edge

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MTLE Technology (Grades 5-12) Sample Test

1 of 5

All but which of the following are examples of the REDUCE component of the Reduce, Reuse, Recycle strategy to decrease the negative environmental impact of waste?

Correct Answer:
develop a household recycling plan.
the question you're asking about involves identifying which activity does not align with the "reduce" step in the waste hierarchy of "reduce, reuse, recycle." this hierarchy serves as a guide for minimizing waste and its negative impacts on the environment. each component of the hierarchy focuses on different strategies to handle waste more sustainably.

"reduce" refers to strategies aimed at cutting down the amount of waste generated in the first place. this can be achieved through various means such as buying less, choosing products with less packaging, and opting for items that are designed to last longer. examples of reducing activities include purchasing products in bulk to avoid unnecessary packaging, selecting reusable over disposable items, and declining plastic bags when few items are purchased.

in the question provided, the options were: 1. avoid buying food in individual, serving-size containers. 2. develop a household recycling plan. option 1, "avoid buying food in individual, serving-size containers," is a clear example of reducing. by avoiding individually packaged items, you reduce the amount of packaging waste produced and thus the environmental impact associated with it.

option 2, "develop a household recycling plan," however, aligns with the "recycle" component of the hierarchy. recycling involves processing used materials into new products to prevent waste of potentially useful materials. while recycling is crucial, it does not reduce the initial creation of waste but rather manages the waste after it has been created.

therefore, the correct answer to the question is "develop a household recycling plan," as it does not represent a reduction strategy but rather a recycling one. understanding the distinction between these components is vital for effectively addressing waste management and minimizing environmental impact.

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