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MTTC Family and Consumer Sciences (040) Practice Tests & Test Prep by Exam Edge

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  • What is the MTTC Family and Consumer Sciences certification exam?
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Olivia R., Washington

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MTTC Family and Consumer Sciences Sample Test

1 of 5

Which of the following is an example of the nurturance and support role of parents?

the correct answer is:
mary's son comes home complaining that he didn't get a turn at kickball at recess. mary listens and gives him a hug.

mary is providing her son with comfort and support during a difficult time. she is fulfilling her nurturing and support role. these roles include:

provision of resources: money, food, clothing, shelter -- fulfilling basic physical needs
nurturance and support : providing comfort, warmth, reassurance
life skills development: helping someone develop physically, emotionally, educationally and socially
maintenance of family system: providing leadership, making decisions, handling finances, maintaining appropriate family roles and civic roles
civic participation: being an active part of the community, supporting civic causes, being a responsible citizen

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