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NES History (302) Practice Tests & Test Prep by Exam Edge - Free Test

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NES History - Free Test Sample Questions

If someone controls all of a particular field, what is that called?

Correct Answer:

when one entity controls an entire field or market, this is referred to as a "monopoly." a monopoly occurs when a single company or group owns all or nearly all of the market for a given type of product or service. this dominance over the market means that the monopoly can set prices without competition from other businesses, potentially leading to higher prices for consumers. furthermore, monopolies can stifle innovation due to lack of competitive pressure to improve products or services.

the existence of a monopoly can be detrimental to a free market economy where competition is supposed to regulate prices and quality. without competition, a monopolistic market can lead to inferior products and services, inefficiency, and lack of incentive for improvement. this is why monopolies are often regulated or restricted by governments. in the united states, for instance, antitrust laws were established to break up monopolies or prevent them from forming to maintain fair competition in the market.

historically, many u.s. presidents have taken action against monopolies. notable examples include the breaking up of standard oil and at&t, which were split into multiple companies to ensure that no single entity could dominate their respective markets. these actions are intended to protect consumers and ensure a healthy, sustainable economy where multiple businesses can thrive.

overall, while a monopoly can provide massive power and profits for the monopolist, it generally harms the overall economy and consumer welfare. thus, maintaining vigilance against the formation of monopolies through legislation and regulation is crucial for fostering an environment of healthy competition and innovation.