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OAE School Library Media Specialist (041) Practice Tests & Test Prep by Exam Edge

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OAE School Library Media Specialist Sample Test

1 of 5

Which of the following should be the first step in developing an inservice training program?

Correct Answer:
assessing the needs and interests of staff.

the first step in developing an inservice training program is assessing the needs and interests of the staff. this foundational step is crucial because it ensures that the training program is relevant and tailored to the specific requirements of the participants. by understanding what the staff already knows, what they need to know, and what they are interested in learning, the program can be designed to be both effective and engaging.

assessing needs involves collecting data on various aspects such as current skill levels, knowledge gaps, and the learning goals of the staff. this can be done through surveys, interviews, observation, or a review of job performance data. it's also important to consider the different roles within the organization to ensure that the training is appropriate for varying job functions and responsibilities.

identifying the interests of staff is equally important because it helps in keeping the participants motivated and committed to the training. when staff see that the training content aligns with their personal or career growth interests, they are more likely to be engaged and to apply what they learn.

only after a thorough needs and interest assessment should the next steps follow, such as setting specific goals and objectives for the training program. these goals should directly address the identified needs and interests to ensure they are achievable and measurable.

following the establishment of goals and objectives, other elements of the training program can be planned, such as creating a budget, identifying necessary resources, and establishing methods for evaluating the effectiveness of the training. each of these steps builds on the foundation of understanding the staff's needs and interests, highlighting why the assessment phase is critical as the initial step in the development of an inservice training program.

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