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OAE Middle Grades Social Studies (031) Practice Tests & Test Prep by Exam Edge

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OAE Middle Grades Social Studies Sample Test

1 of 5

The slash-and-burn method of agriculture is best known as part of which of the following?

Correct Answer:
the stone age.

the slash-and-burn method of agriculture is primarily known as part of the stone age. this method involves the cutting down and burning of vegetation in a forested area to create fields for agriculture. the ash resulting from the burn provides the soil with rich nutrients, which support the growth of crops for several years. once the soil's fertility is depleted, the land is often abandoned, and the process is repeated elsewhere. this form of agriculture is considered one of the earliest farming techniques used by humans.

slash-and-burn agriculture is often associated with the stone age, a prehistoric period when humans primarily used tools made of stone and were increasingly reliant on agriculture. the stone age follows the ice age, a time characterized by the extensive glaciation of the earth. as the ice age ended, changes in climate and the environment forced prehistoric humans to adapt their lifestyles. many of the large game animals that were previously hunted became scarce, and groups began to look for alternative food sources, leading to the development of agricultural practices such as slash-and-burn.

this method of agriculture is not typically linked to the bronze age, which followed the stone age, and during which metal tools began to replace stone tools. agriculture during the bronze age often involved more advanced techniques and tools, reflecting the progress in human technology and societal organization.

the paleolithic age, which is part of the stone age, represents the earliest period of human history, characterized by the use of rudimentary chipped stone tools. during the later part of the paleolithic, humans began experimenting with cultivating plants and domesticating animals, setting the stage for the development of agriculture during the neolithic period, the latter part of the stone age. thus, while slash-and-burn agriculture is most directly associated with the stone age, it likely developed more significantly towards its conclusion, transitioning into the neolithic age.

in summary, slash-and-burn agriculture is best known as part of the stone age, particularly as humans transitioned from nomadic hunting and gathering lifestyles to more settled agricultural societies. this method played a crucial role in the early development of agriculture and the sustenance of early human communities.

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