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OAE Prekindergarten (036/037) Practice Tests & Test Prep by Exam Edge

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OAE Prekindergarten (Subtests I & II) Sample Test

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Freud is often credited as the "father of psychiatry," and his theories have helped shape many of the theories regarding child development.  Freud believed that there were three parts of the personality structure. These were Ego, Superego and the Id.  He also believed that there were stages of development and the success or failure in these developmental stages would determine personality traits that you have as an adult. 

Mary, a two year old child, has begun to initiate toilet training both at home and while she is at daycare.  She is having some success but occasionally she will have an accident that leaves her feeling distraught and anxious.  With understanding Freud, what developmental stage is Mary in?

Correct Answer:
The Anal Stage

when potty training begins, it triggers a stage of development known as the "anal stage".  this signals that the sphincter muscles are developed and the child is ready to begin toilet training.  in mary's case, she has initiated the anal stage, which is a positive sign that she is developing well, however, her distress over having accidents, may trigger a response that leads to problems later in life.  freud believed that if a child experiences negative reactions to toilet training, or serious conflict from this, it can lead to two different personality types. the first is the anal expulsive personality type who is reckless, defiant and messy. the second is the anal retentive personality type who is neat, meticulous and may be passive-aggressive.  

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