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OAE Professional Knowledge: Multi-Age (PK-12) (004) Practice Tests & Test Prep by Exam Edge

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OAE Assessment of Professional Knowledge Multi-Age (PK-12) Sample Test

1 of 5

Carol Gilligan developed a theory of moral development which supports women.  How does her theory differ from Lawrence Kohlberg's "Theory of Moral Development"?

the correct answer is:
gilligan posits that women transition from a self-centered focus to a self-sacrificing focus finally synthesizing the two into a balanced focus on both.  kohlberg bases his stages on more abstract, rational principles.

kohlberg proposed six stages of moral development.  in the first stage, the pre-conventional, children focus on obedience and punishment.  they obey so they won't be punished.  in stage two, individualism and change, children behave to avoid punishment but also to seek a reward for good behavior.  in the third stage, mutual interpersonal conformity, children want to please the people who are important to them, their parents or their peers.  in stage four, students recognize the importance of the established order. this is the law and order stage.  the fifth stage, the social contract stage, students begin to understand the importance of individual rights and social contracts.  the final stage is the principled conscience stage.  in this stage, rarely reached by students, people develop ethical guiding principles for life.  carol gilligan proposes three levels of moral reasoning for women. in the first stage, a female is only interested in herself. in the second stage, she sacrifices her own interests for the sake of others.  in the third stage, which most women will not reach, both interests are successfully balanced. 

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