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OAE Technology Education (046/47) Practice Tests & Test Prep by Exam Edge

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OAE Technology Education Sample Test

1 of 5

Which of the following would NOT be considered a top-level domain in the domain name system server hierarchy?

Correct Answer:

in the context of the domain name system (dns), a top-level domain (tld) is the last segment of a domain name, located after the last dot. tlds are broadly categorized into two groups: generic top-level domains (gtlds) and country-code top-level domains (cctlds). examples of gtlds include .com, .org, and .net, while examples of cctlds include .uk (united kingdom), .de (germany), and .jp (japan).

the question pertains to whether .uk or .google would be considered a tld. the .uk domain is a country-code top-level domain, specifically representing the united kingdom. as such, it clearly fits within the established categories of tlds recognized and managed globally by the internet assigned numbers authority (iana).

on the other hand, the domain .google is not a traditional tld. it is actually a branded top-level domain, commonly referred to as a branded gtld. these are part of a program that began in 2012, allowing organizations to create and manage top-level domains that are specific to their brand identities. while technically operating as a gtld, .google is distinct in its purpose and use, primarily serving the organizational needs of google inc. rather than functioning as a common or public gtld like .com or .edu.

therefore, while .google is technically a top-level domain in the sense that it operates at the highest level of the dns hierarchy under direct administration by a specific entity (google), it is not a standard tld like .uk or .com. its exclusivity and specific usage tied to a single corporation make it different from general tlds that are available for public registration. hence, in a traditional sense or in the context of commonly recognized public tlds, .google would not be considered a top-level domain akin to .uk. thus the correct answer to the question is .google, as it would not be considered a tld in the same way that .uk is.

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