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Praxis Elem Ed Reading and Language Arts CKT (7812) Practice Tests & Test Prep by Exam Edge - Free Test

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Praxis Elementary Reading and Language Arts CKT - Free Test Sample Questions

Mrs. Krisman is going over the poem, "The Fog" by Carl Sandburg with her students.

The fog comes 

on little cat feet. 

It sits looking 

over harbor and city 

on silent haunches 

and then moves on.


What can the students infer that the poem is referring to in the underlined lines?

Correct Answer:
that the fog comes and goes as a part of life. 
in carl sandburg's poem "the fog," the fog is personified and compared to a cat that moves quietly and observes everything silently before departing. this comparison allows readers to visualize the fog's behavior and its transient nature.

when analyzing the underlined lines of the poem, students can infer that the fog is depicted as something that arrives quietly, similar to how a cat moves stealthily. the description "on little cat feet" suggests that the fog makes its presence known in a gentle, unobtrusive manner, without causing disruption. this imagery emphasizes the fog's silent, soft approach.

additionally, the lines "it sits looking over harbor and city on silent haunches and then moves on" convey that the fog is temporary and does not stay in one place for long. it observes the surroundings – the harbor and the city – quietly, just as a cat might sit and watch the world around it. the use of "silent haunches" reinforces the idea of quiet observation and the temporary nature of the fog's visit.

the inference that "the fog comes and goes as a part of life" aligns with the poem's depiction of the fog's behavior. the students can understand that just like many natural phenomena, the fog is part of the cyclical patterns of the environment. it arrives without fanfare, impacts the visuals of the harbor and city by shrouding them momentarily, and then departs, allowing life to return to normal until it comes again.

thus, the poem subtly suggests the ephemerality and the non-disruptive quality of fog, and by extension, reflects on the nature of life's many transient moments and experiences that appear, make an impact, but inevitably move on, much like the fog described in the poem.